Paul Staehle is currently starring in the fifth season of "90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After" alongside his wife, Karine Martins. The couple made headlines last month after Paul shared a video of himself having an intense fight with Karine. Police officers had to intervene and separate the two reality stars, and after Karine filed a restraining order against her husband, she moved out of their home together with their 17-month-old son, Pierre. Paul has had to spend the last two weeks without his family, and fans now fear that the American reality star is getting suicidal.
Paul posted a series of cryptic messages
In his most recent Instagram stories, Paul posted a series of cryptic messages that alarmed many "90 Day Fiancé" viewers. The 37-year-old reality star claimed that his heart was in pain after losing his wife and son. He told his followers that he regretted publicizing his argument with Karine and admitted that he had taken his family for granted. Paul revealed that he missed being around his son every day. The American reality star also appeared to confirm the rumors about his wife’s pregnancy after he claimed that he wanted to be part of his unborn child’s life. Many fans expressed their concern for Paul after they read his touching Instagram post. "90 Day Fiancé" viewers feel that his separation from Karine could be taking a toll on him, and he could consider taking his own life if the couple ends up getting a divorce.
Fans hope that "90 Day Fiancé" star Paul and Karine will solve their latest argument amicably. Paul appeared to extend an olive branch towards his wife after he claimed that he had forgiven everyone who had made false allegations against him. The American reality star claimed that he would not harbor any hate or ill will towards his accusers.
Many fans suspected that Paul was indirectly addressing Karine’s rape allegations. In her police statement, Karine claimed that her husband had been sexually abusing her, and she recently released a public statement in which she stood by her allegations.
Rape accusations
Karine has insinuated that Paul is a narcissist for trying to discredit her rape accusations.
The Brazilian reality star has told fans that she is not crazy, and she is determined to seek justice by settling their dispute in court. Karine has also hinted that she will file for a divorce from Paul. However, "90 Day Fiancé" viewers hope that the 24-year-old reality star will give Paul another chance. Now that the American reality star has expressed a genuine sense of regret for his actions, fans hope that the couple can move past their recent argument. It will be interesting to see how Karine responds to her husband’s touching Instagram post.