Taran and Calliope Tien are not so different from many other of the world's musicians, who understand that music is the best medicine for the soul and spirit. Millions of viewers have been lifted during the coronavirus quarantine by the videos of Italian neighbors singing from their balconies while the world is in the grips of the disease. The sense of wellness and solace feels almost immediate with the first note.

Several acclaimed artists have made their homes into private concert halls to perform for millions of shuttered people, worldwide. Pink has proved her vocal prowess across every genre, but the vocalist has perhaps never been so tender as in her Instagram performance of Bob Dylan's “Make You Feel My Love.” Coldplay's Chris Martin has also followed suit in song, along with many other music notables, so it's no wonder that Taran and Calliope Tien felt inspired to make their music a very personal experience, even with responsible social distancing.

March 17’s “CBS This Morning” and quarantined correspondent, Vladimir Duthiers, decided to spotlight a performance by Taran and Calliope Tien that resonated with as much warmth and caring as the rich tones from their strings and bows. This offering was about more than being part of morning TV Shows. Their cellos brought mutual blessings.

Taran and Calliope Tien take music from rehearsal to the front porch

Columbus, Ohio is feeling the impact of the activity restrictions necessary due to the coronavirus siege, just like every other locality across the nation and the world. Nine-year-old, Taran Tien and his six-year-old sister, Calliope, were counseled by their music teacher to offer virtual performances as often as they could as a means to keep their musicianship sharp and share the gift of music with many who might listen.

Their neighbor, Helena Schlam, was more than an anonymous viewer, and she was treated to an extra sweet and sonically pleasing performance from the siblings on Monday.

Taran and Calliope Tien come from a family of musicians, and the talented siblings had seen and heard all the singing from the Italian balconies, too. They had seen their neighbor outside very much since the self quarantining orders, so Taran and Calliope Tien decided that a couple of folding chairs on Helena Schlam’s front porch would make a perfect performance stage.

The pair performed an exuberant rendition of Suzuki’s “Song of the Wind,” from Violin Book 1. Many parents of music students certainly are familiar with the classic, but for Helena Schlam, “CBS This Morning,” any listening neighbors, no rendition has ever been so heartfelt.

A song is more special than shopping for Taran and Calliope Tien

More of a “request performance” than a command performance for a queen or dignitary, the interlude of music all started with a caring check-in on Helena from Rebecca Tien, Taran and Calliope's mom.

When she hadn't seen the 78-year-old Schlam for about “five days,” Rebecca called to see if her senior neighbor needed any groceries. Schlam said that she was fine for food, but did admit that “I hadn't been out of the house, except in the yard, for five days,” Helena confirmed. Rebecca then asked if her kids could come and play music for their friend. She was delighted.

“She knows that I love music and I really love her kids. They're terrific!” the audience of one praised.

“We thought of how she was stuck in the house, and we thought it might make her happy,” Taran exuded as he explained his motive for the performance. Initially, he told his neighbor that she could listen through the window, but she chose to come out onto the porch.

Taran and Calliope Tien more mindful of the current advisories regarding safe distances between people, placing their chairs at an appropriate distance from Helena’s rocker on the porch. The brother and sister certainly found ways to let her know that she was special. They dressed in full recital attire, Taran in his formal suit, and Calliope in a fancy fuchsia gown (with sneakers for safety in the weather).

Helena Schlam’s applause and smile were her ovations, along with “Bravo!”

Gayle King tries for another performance besides the one from Taran and Calliope Tien

There is no sweeter music than to hear a child's laughter, and any song offered from a child's heart is music to cherish forever. Hopefully, Taran and Calliope Tien will have many more tuning in for their virtual performances while their music classes are paused. Co-anchor Gayle King tried to get another performance for the “CBS This Morning audience today.

Some days ago, Vladimir Duthiers was hospitable enough to give viewers a tour of his apartment. Gayle King must have spied a collection of guitars in the living room. She slyly added to this morning’s segue that Duthiers “joins us from his New York apartment to play the guitar for us.”

Duthiers let out a chuckle and admonished, “Don't get me started, Gayle!” before a “Whew!” Gayle teased back, adding “That wasn’t in the copy-- pick up that guitar, Vladimir!”

It's a good thing that Vladimir Duthiers and Gayle King preferred to give all the musical appreciation to the talent and the genuine compassion of Taran and Calliope Tien, and their compassionate mom, too. No artist can ever know the indescribable power of a song, and the siblings may create songs to rival Suzuki one day.