After playing iconic characters in both “One Life to Live” and “All My Children,” Michael E. Knight is back on daytime television. This time, the three-time Emmy champ will be part of the cast of another daytime series, “General Hospital.” Knight will be playing lawyer Martin Gray in the long-running soap opera, reports TV Insider. He is the attorney assigned to help make sure that Nelle (Chloe Lanier) will be released on parole.
Michael E. Knight talks about his character
The actor expressed surprise at the fanfare that greeted his casting in the daytime series.
He said that he was humbled about it and that the treats it as a privilege. When asked about his daytime comeback, he said that he reached out to “General Hospital” executive producer Frank Valentini about possibly having a place for him in the show. The producer immediately talked to the show’s head writers Dan O’Connor and Chris Van Etten, who liked the idea.
In preparing for his character’s entrance into the show, Knight also credited Lanier and Valentini in helping him create a backstory for the character. He described the relationship between Martin and Nelle as being like sharks studying each other, which was a good jumping-off point for the two actors.
Interestingly, Martin has the same last name as a man named Gordon Gray, who was the birth father of Laura (Genie Francis).
Does this mean that Knight’s character could be related to her? The actor’s debut on “General Hospital” will not air until next week. The show’s episodes air at 2 pm ET on weekdays.
An Emmy for Coby Ryan McLaughlin?
In other related “General Hospital” news, a lot of passionate fans have started campaigning for Coby Ryan McLaughlin to win a Daytime Emmy in the next ceremony.
The actor, who played Shiloh Archer in the daytime series, earned a lot of love and hate from fans because of his character’s slick personality.
But, after he was killed off by Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) earlier, viewers of the show are now rallying around to send the actor off with an Emmy win. With “General Hospital” a perennial nominee in the ceremony, it certainly seems that McLaughlin has a fighting chance.
Kelly Monaco to leave Port Charles soon too?
After a pretty good character arc in the past few months, there are rumors that actress Kelly Monaco is going to leave the series. This was after she wrote a thank-you post on her Twitter account, which she published right after her character shot Shiloh. It might be possible that Monaco may be following the lead of fellow actor Billy Miller, who played Drew Cain, also departed from the show. Let us know what you think about Michael E. Knight's casting on the show, post your comments in the comment section.