Rumors, for "General Hospital," have been promising a return of Nikolas Cassadine for close to three years. Recent events, in Port Charles, have loyal viewers wondering when something substantial will take place that leaves no doubt about what is going on. Currently, Hayden and Jax are seeking a document, at Wyndemere, and the rumor mill suggests that it is a codicil to the will that gave Valentin the right to the inheritance that once belonged to young Spencer. Fans want to know if Tyler Christopher is indeed reprising his role on the ABC daytime drama, or is Ms.

Barnes simply trying to secure a future for the little boy she loves like her own son.

Nikolas may return and vanquish Valentin

The last time he was on "General Hospital," Spencer Cassadine told his uncle Sonny Corinthos that he wanted to vanquish Valentin for killing his father. Since then, psychics have told both Laura and Ava that Prince Nikolas is not dead. There was a rumor, a few months ago, that Tyler Christopher was seen on the set, which gave the impression that he was back in action in Port Charles, but nothing has come to light that could substantiate such an impression.

Jax did not care for Laura's son but he is helping Hayden snoop around Wyndemere. It could be that he loathes Valentin more than Spencer's dad and wants to see Nina's husband taken down.

Until there is solid verification from "GH" spoilers that Nikolas is actually returning, viewers can assume that Hayden is doing all of this for the love of Spencer. She may simply want to find a way for her former stepson to regain the family fortune that should have been his all along.

Current 'GH' storylines are confusing

"General Hospital" currently has quite a lot of irons in the fire and several storylines that are overlapping others which may be confusing for some viewers. While Ms. Barnes is snooping around Wyndemere with Jax, she is also withholding from Finn that they have a two-year-old daughter. She is living with her sister Elizabeth, who knows nothing of Hayden's extracurricular activities.

Jax seems to have designs on Nina, while still carrying a torch for Carly and getting under Sonny's skin. Everyone appears to be looking for Cassandra Pierce and there is no conclusive evidence of any strong connections to Port Charles resident.

Valentin is hiding from Nina that Sasha is a fake as they both try to figure out what Hayden and Jax are up Obrecht is caught in the middle of this sordid, confusing mess and she also knows that Wiley belongs to Nelle and Michael. In the midst of it, Spencer and Laura are oblivious to what is taking place around them. It would be "General Hospital" viewers are eagerly awaiting proof positive that Nikolas is coming back to Port Charles, or that when all is said and done his son will emerge as the rightful Cassadine heir.