On Tuesday’s episode of General Hospital" Shiloh stood on the Haunted Star with two of his prized possessions and a hostage.

Sam, Dev, and Wiley were all in the mad man's clutches until Ms. McCall got him to listen to reason. All of Port Charles was on high alert with Willow and Brad freaking out. By the end of the episode Dev and Wiley were set free, and Wednesday’s promo has Jason deciding to board the Haunted Star and deal with the cult leader. The rumor mill says Mr. Archer will soon make his exit and that shots will be fired on Lu Lu’s boat.

It’s possible that Sam, Jason, or someone hired by Peter might get the job done.

Shiloh listens to Sam

On Tuesday, Sam finally reasoned with Shiloh and convinced him to set Dev and Wiley free. She convinced him that having a child and a minor with him would bring more trouble, and the cult leader agreed. He released the two, and the teen took the child to the peer. Spinelli had tracked Sam’s last phone call to the area, so Jason was searching for her and showed up at the same time. Dev told him that Shiloh and San were on the boat and handed over the child. “General Hospital" previews for Wednesday indicate Jason will give the child to Dev and attempt to board the Haunted Star.

GH” rumors from Celeb Dirty Laundry reports that shots will ring out on Lulu’s boat and suggest this is when Shiloh could die.

If the Dawn of Day leader is the one who is shot, there are three possibilities of who may pull the trigger. Sam had her eyes on the gun the guru had on the counter in the boat, and Jason could show up and shoot him. It’s also possible that Peter August might send his hitman after Mr. Archer. Unknown to Dev and Jason, Peter was on the peer listening to their conversation.

CDL says Mr. August will soon ask someone on the other end of the phone if a job has been done.

Shiloh meets his doom

“General Hospital” viewers are more than ready for the end of this storyline, and all indications seem to be that Shiloh is going to meet his doom. CDL says the preview shows a woman's hand on a gun and Soap Dirt suggests that Sam pulls a trigger.

The question is, will she shoot Shiloh or some innocent person. Peter is probably talking to the man he hired to kill the cult leader and believes he can get away without giving away the money. If Sam shoots the gun, this would indicate that Peter may be talking about getting a different job done.

Whatever happens on the Haunted Star, Shiloh's days are numbered. If he is the victim, then he will have died without finding out that Wiley is not his son. Be sure to stay tuned to "General Hospital" each weekday afternoon on ABC at 2:00 PM EST. Be on the lookout for rumors and spoiler alerts to keep up with upcoming episodes in advance.