"Sister Wives" followers often view Christine Brown's family negatively. Actually, very strong opinions often get voiced on social media about Kody Brown and the sister wives who opt for their polygamous lifestyle. Nevertheless, mostly offscreen on social media, they come across as pleasant people. Actually, Christine Brown often manages to share her great sense of humor online. This weekend, she managed to tell a whole story on Instagram with just two hashtags that got fans laughing.
Christine Brown of 'Sister Wives' has a great sense of humor and it shows on Instagram
At the end of a season "Sister Wives" probably brings more time to the Brown family to relax and just do things everyone does. With the onset of the warmer weather, families tend to hang together and do fun things. It looks like Christine, Myketli, and Aspyn did just that Friday night. It's Mother's Day weekend and so hanging with mom seems a good idea. They sat down to play Scrabble, which is nothing earth-shattering, but it looked like fun.
Posting up on Instagram though, Christine also made it fun for her fans. In fact, it was not so much the photo, but rather the hashtags that amused her "Sister Wives" followers.
In her caption, she wrote, "Playing my favorite game with two of my favorite girls." It seems they played the Take-Two version, or what other people may know as Bananagrams or Fast-Scrabble.
Mothers Day weekend humor from Christine Brown
Mylketi, the second child of Kody and Christine, is now married to Antonio Padron. Her sister, Aspyn's also married now and seems very happy with her husband Mitch Thompson.
However, they remain a close family and still gather together for family events whenever they can. So, it's nice to see them all together and dong family things - even if it's just a game of scrabble.
Scrabble and fun hashtags tell a 'Sister Wives' story
While it's nice to see them all having fun, it's the hashtags that managed to tell almost a whole story.
Christine wrote, "#mykeltidoesntknowhowtoplay." Then she added, "#/aspyngetsmadwhenmykeltidoesntplaybytherules." Now, these really have to be the most unique hashtags on Instagram ever. But they are really funny as it tells us all that Mykelti does not know the rules to this game, and Aspyn lost it as she keeps changing the rules. Or, maybe Mykelti's 'changing' the rules slightly rather than not knowing them. After all, table games in families often result in friendly arguments over rules.
Anyway, it's nice that Christine Brown shared something as home-baked and wholesome as a mother and her grown daughters playing scrabble together on Mother's Day Weekend. It's probably unlikely that the drama we see on the TLC' "Sister Wives" show happens every day in real life.
Remember to follow the Reality TV Channel on Basting Pop for more news about "Sister Wives."