"Teen Mom 2" star Leah Messer allegedly split with Jason Jordan. Apart from a tweet that may point to the veracity of new rumors, US Weekly reported that their sources told them the party's over and they pair are moving on. The couple started dating in around about April this year and lasted just six months if the sources are correct. About two days ago, Leah also posted a message n her Instagram, that may be a hint that things were not going all that well back then.
'Teen Mom' star posts on Twitter about things that stay
October 23, the same day the US Weekly report about the split came out, Leah posted on Twitter.
Her tweet sounded rather sad. She posted, "Some things are meant to happen, just not meant to be. Some things are meant to come into your life, just not meant to stay." Additionally, she posted a list of things that fans felt offer freedom. These included the freedom to "change your mind, " want to "be alone," cancel a commitment" and more.
About two days ago, an Instagram post by the "Teen Mom 2" star came across as vaguely sad. Maybe she posted it as a personal reminder of values, but in hindsight, it may indicate unhappiness in a relationship. She captioned the post credited to Lindsay Rielly with, "Love yourself, Enough to move in the direction that feels good, even if it isn’t the popular choice...
Enough to remove toxicity from your life, Enough to live according to your standards, even if it means closing a door." As a postscript, Leah added," I got this sudden rush of inspiration and wanted to share with all of you. I know it is sometimes easier said than done."
Sources say it It just wasn’t working for Leah Messer
US Weekly sources reportedly told the outlet that the relationship with Jason Jordan "just wasn’t working." They added, "They’re just not a good fit." Meanwhile, ENews reported that Messer deleted photos of Jordan from her Instagram account.
Earlier this year, Leah met Jason via a cousin. Back in July, sources told USWeekly that the couple had a lot in common with their faith and love for outdoor activities. At the time, Leah seemed very happy about the new man in her life.
While ENews reached out to her rep to try and find out if the split's real, the US Weekly sources may be correct.
After all, they were right about the two hooking up in the first place.
Some things are meant to happen, just not meant to be. Some things are meant to come into your life, just not meant to stay. 💕 pic.twitter.com/ueC07z639G
— Leah D. Messer (@TM2LeahDawn) October 23, 2018
Jason Jordan's out the picture perhaps
It looks like Jason Jordan may well be out the picture for now. That's going to be a bit of a blow as he allegedly got on well with her kids. What do you think about the story that Leah Messer and Jason Jordan have split? Do you think it's a reach, or that she maybe decided to just move on? Stay in touch with news about "Teen Mom 2" by checking in with the "Teen Mom 2" channel on Blasting news.