Jinger Duggar Vuolo treated her social media followers to a new photo on Instagram of baby Felicity Nicole on August 18. Fans have mostly responded positively to seeing the picture of Jinger and husband Jeremy Vuolo’s daughter, dressed in a floral hat that matches a onesie (or jumpsuit). She is also wearing white gloves or mittens. Best of all, though, Felicity appears wide awake and attentive. She looks snuggly and comfortable as her photo is being snapped.
The photo of Felicity is complemented with Jinger’s one-word caption: “Bliss.” Romper seems to have captured the attraction many followers feel toward Jinger and Jeremy’s first child, stating that fans welcome “this new chapter” in the young mom’s life.
Many fans and social media followers literally watched Jinger grow up in front of TLC cameras. Before there was “Counting On,” there was “19 Kids and Counting,” which featured all of the Duggars, including cameo appearances involving Jinger’s paternal grandfather, Jim Lee Duggar -- who died in 2009.
Jinger and her siblings draw viewers and critics, too
While the focus of “Counting On" was to showcase the Duggar daughters as they began to have families of their own, some of the Duggar sons and their wives have roles on the show. Their large family has captivated many viewers.
Watching the older Duggar daughters and sons branch out from their younger siblings and parents is fascinating to many people and infuriating to others.
Many people who are critical of the show believe mom (Michelle) and father (Jim Bob) imposed too many restrictive behaviors on their children.
After marrying, it appears that Duggar daughters Jinger, Jessa, Jill, and Joy-Anna are successfully acclimating to life away from their parents, with each embracing her own style. To see the women step into the world and build lives with their husbands draws fans and followers who are “loyal watchers," as Romper notes.
Each new photo Jinger and Jeremy share on social media evokes a response from their fan base, though some are there only to critique every perceived misstep. Pop Culture and additional media agencies, for example, are also quick to note that many people who follow or “flock” to the Duggar daughters’ accounts only do so to point out parenting flaws.
Positive comments flow following Jinger’s Instagram post
With the latest photo of Felicity, however, it seems fans also came prepared when they posted and took on critics, defending Jinger and how she chooses to dress her baby. The positive comments also seem to outshine the negativity some seek to spread.
One of Jinger’s followers (@mommy2girls2015) saw baby Felicity in her floral onesie and stated: “She’s so tiny!! Fearfully and wonderfully made!!” Additionally, an Instagram user named @wildflowersks remarked: “What a perfect dolly! Such a blessing God has chosen just for you and Jeremy!”
Baby Felicity’s photo garnered 150K likes as of August 19. Fans may have reason to feel hopeful that Jinger and Jeremy will ignore the critics, haters, and trolls.
There are plenty of fans who appreciate seeing the photos of their baby – without nitpicking.
Be sure to watch TLC’s “Counting On” which airs at 9PM EST on Mondays. Also, be sure to follow Blasting News for the latest updates.