Thanksgiving 2017! A day that has been one of the most memorable to "Rick and Morty" fanatics worldwide. Why do you ask? For those who are blissfully unaware, Thanksgiving 2017 brought back news from one of the most beloved animated television show characters of all time.

Ever since his disappearance from the show (more like inconsequential and uncircumstantial, nearly fatal injury), there have been a lot of eager expectations for his return.

If it isn’t obvious already, we speak of none other than Mister Poopybutthole.

Mister Poopybutthole's love for the Smiths is nothing short of unconditional, and that just keeps getting more and more evident with every short Adult Swim and the creators of "Rick and Morty" throw at us. On July 11, 2018, the makers have graced us with yet another 15-second fiesta, starring none other than our dearly beloved.

This clip features Mister Poopybutthole sitting on a rock in the midst of nowhere, playing harmonium and reminiscing about the good old days. He seems peaceful and humbled by the company of the Smiths, and the kind of relationship he has had with each of them.

Ooh, Wee!

The little gag is in the bright pink thought bubble that slowly reveals Beth, Morty, Rick, and Summer, and before you think someone is missing, Jerry’s face slowly makes its way into the frame in the neediest of ways possible. Poor Jerry, always the butthole of all jokes.

The most awaited corn dog shaped sweetheart made his television return on Thanksgiving 2017, after Beth Sanchez mistook him for a memory parasite in the episode “Total Rickall”, and made a bloody mess of him. There have been short clips ever since showing slow progress of his recovery, and how sweet ad forgiving he is to let go of something so brutal. His return, however, was one of the sweetest shorts to have ever been made.

The short titled “The poop in my pants” was wholesome in ways one cannot put into words.

A photo album full of Mister Poopybuttholes memories, starting right from his childhood, to the time he spent with the Smiths, over to the time where he moved on from the tragedy to recover, graduate, find love, get married, and have a loving child with his wife, the short was nothing short of a thorough feels trip. The short was Mister Poopybutthole signing the season off, and giving a very vague idea as to when the new season will air, and questioning the audience as to what they have been up to.

The clock is ticking

With each passing week, Adult Swim makes it more and more obvious that the brand new season is nigh, and is aptly building up the tension to keep the fandom engaged. We are sure you are as excited as us to witness what this season has in store for us. Until then, Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!