Mercedes Javid shared sad news on social media on Friday, May 18. Her father Shams Javid has died. In relaying the message on Instagram, Mercedes, who is also known on “Shahs of Sunset” as MJ, shared touching photos of herself with her dad. Her father has experienced health issues in the past several months.
Mercedes, who has always been very much a daddy’s girl, opened her post by stating, that her father had passed and that fans and followers who are aware of how closely father-and-daughter were bonded also “knew” how much she loved her dad.
Father’s health setbacks took an emotional toll on the reality star
In October 2018, Mercedes shared with Bravo’s Andy Cohen, host of “Watch What Happens Live,” that having a stroke was taking an emotional toll on her, according to the Daily Mail (UK). She opened up during her talk with Andy about the effects of denial she was feeling at the time. Mercedes said, “I didn’t know how to handle it.”
During the sixth season of “Shahs of Sunset,” MJ permitted cameras to film her journey with her father as he experienced health problems and the effects. A production crew accompanied her to the hospital, Daily Mail noted.
Even through sorrow, star finds comfort
When Mercedes went to visit her dad, her fiancé Tommy Feight was at her side sometimes, too.
It has been clear to fans how deeply MJ loved her dad. In her May 18 social media post, she also wrote that she is finding comfort, “knowing he is in a better place now.”
The Bravo star gave a thankful nod to her mother, Vida, her husband, Tommy, and her friends who have supported her “through this greatest loss.”
MJ has more than 500,000 followers on Instagram, Radar Online noted.
She also has 132,000 followers on Twitter. Notations of support and condolence have been posted readily since she shared the news of her loss. Tricia Lorraine (@One_Sexy_Tica) tweeted, “Worst thing on earth to lose the one person every little girl needs the most...her Daddy.” Tricia personalized her tweet by citing the loss of her own father.
Fans related to the sorrow she is feeling and the depth of loss.
Mercedes ‘leaning’ on husband Tommy
Fans are thankful that MJ has her husband, Tommy. Radar reported that she is “leaning” on him right now. Mercedes and Tommy are newlyweds. They married on April 21 at Jeremy West Hollywood. She was a beautiful bride and her gown was simply stunning.
In an interview recently during “The Tomorrow Show with Keven Undergaro,” People TV reported that Shams didn’t walk Mercedes down the aisle during her wedding ceremony. She explained that Shams became “really sick the day after Christmas.” Before his health declined during that illness, he was doing better, MJ said.
Sending love your way, @MercedesJavid 💕
— Bravotv (@Bravotv) May 18, 2018
Rather than focus solely on herself on her big day, Mercedes was worried about others and how they felt.
She said, “I definitely didn’t want my sadness to ink everybody else’s day.” Fans hearts go out to Mercedes and her family, just as Bravo conveyed after learning that Shams has died.
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