The police station sitcom "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," that developed a cult following since it aired, was canceled by Fox, but the show was saved a day later by NBC. Fox canceled a number of its shows, like "Lucifer," which caused frustrations among fans of those shows. It was "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," however, that got social media blazing with outrage.
The cancellation
Fox broke the news to fans on Thursday (May 10). The show, though low rated, gained critical praise and a large internet buzz over its five seasons. Starring Andy Samberg and Andre Braugher, the "Nine-Nine," as it is often referred to, was created by Dan Goor and the man behind "Parks and Recreation," Michael Schur.
"Brooklyn Nine-Nine" also stars Chelsea Peretti, Joel McKinnon Miller, Terry Crews, Joe Lo Truglio, and Dirk Blocker. A true comedy lineup. It features a diverse cast that tackles real issues surrounding the New York Police Department in a thoughtful but comedic style. Covering issues such as sexuality, corruption, racial profiling, gun control, and more, the show has a steadily growing reputation as a progressive culture icon. The "Nine-Nine" reached the 100th-episode milestone earlier this season, making it the second-longest-running live-action Fox comedy since "New Girl."
When it was confirmed that the Season 5 finale on May 20 would be the series finale, fans took to social media to express their sadness and outright indignation at the news.
Among them were a number of equally upset Celebrities, such as "Hamilton" creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, Oscar-winning director Guilmero Del Torro, late-night host Seth Meyers, and singer Josh Gorban.
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) May 10, 2018
Brooklyn Nine-Nine has given us fully human characters, beautiful, powerful, flawed, vulnerable, majestic... In whichever form, B99 must return. It will. And I will be there to watch. And, it is my hope that I hope that, this time, a lot more people do too.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) May 11, 2018
Oh NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! 😩😭😫😢 I'm SO not ready to say #ByeBye99. Be forewarned @FOXTV-when networks dump shows I love, I'm known for holding grudges a long, L-O-N-G time. I'm still mad @CBS didn't renew #SquarePegs! 😡#EverythingILikeGetsCancelled
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) May 10, 2018
News on @Brooklyn99FOX and @LastManFOX is a double gut punch. Two great shows with hilarious writing and terrific ensembles.
— Seth Meyers (@sethmeyers) May 10, 2018
I don’t wanna live in a world where Fox cancels Brooklyn 99 but keeps News
— josh groban (@joshgroban) May 11, 2018
Saved by NBC
As Fox axed beloved shows "The Mick," "Last Man on Earth," "The Exorcist," and "Lucifer," fans were not going to let "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" go without a fight.
The social media outcry that was sparked and the petitions making their rounds were heard, as the very next day NBC picked the show up. “Ever since we sold this show to Fox I’ve regretted letting it get away, and it’s high time it came back to its rightful home," NBC Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt said.
While the show was aired on Fox, it was actually made by Universal Television, a sister studio to NBC.
This means that for NBC, saving the "Nine-Nine" made a lot of sense from the business side of things. Due to Universal's agreement with Hulu and deal with TBS, the money, or lack thereof, that the show would make on ads isn't an issue. With a cult and loyal audience already coming with the show, the "Nine-Nine" has a guarantee that there will at least be some kind of audience the network won't have to worry about building up. The show also helps with NBC's comedy line up, which while it isn't nonexistent, isn't the best.
Upon news of the revival, fans took to social media again, this time to celebrate. The show's cast joined them, making sure to let the fans know it's all because of them that the show was saved.
Michael Schur tweeted to fans to express his gratitude.
This happened because the fans of the show went berzerk. We can't thank you -- or @NBC -- enough. #Brooklyn99
— Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) May 12, 2018
"Brooklyn Nine-Nine" will return after its series not-so-finale this May with NBC's order of a 13-episode sixth season for 2018-19.