Everything that keeps “Hawaii Five-O” fans committed to the best crime-fighting force on TV is part of the May 4 episode 23 for Season 8, "Ka Hana a ka makua, o ka hana no ia a keiki (What Parents Do, Children Will Do)." When an acupuncture session with a dying crime boss becomes a suicide set-up, all of “Hawaii Five-O” work for justice, and some of the most satisfying interplay between favorite members ensues.
Even Eddie is on his best behavior during a vet visit, but his dog dad, McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin), is not so compliant. Danny (Scott Caan) is drafted into a martial arts brawl that he never saw coming, and Junior (Beulah Koale) has personal reasons for taking the case quite seriously.
Pain and profit
Mei Lin (Karen Huie) is a well-loved acupuncturist, conducting a home session with Tommy Boyle (Randy Thompson) in his home, with her daughter (Cindy Chu) assisting as an apprentice in the practice. The crime boss is already suffering from advanced cancer, so the session really only provides momentary pain relief.
The healing efforts have to be put on pause when a caller comes to the door, with death in mind. The daughter, Cammy, witnesses Boyle being shot and she and her mother are forced to run for their lives. Mother and daughter make a desperate run, but after Mei Lin becomes injured, she cannot stay ahead of the killers. She tells her daughter to run, and Cammy must endure the deepest loss. Only hours later, Mei Lin is found dead and no one knows where Cammy is.
In a completely calmer setting, Will Sasso of Canada's MADtv and his popular "Ten Minutes" podcast, portrays Eddie’s veterinarian, Dr. Shaw. Eddie has made a fine recovery from his physical ordeal, but Steve has a bit of a ragged cough, and the doctor insists on an on-the-spot check-up.
With elevated pulse and mild breathing concerns, Dr. Shaw suggests that golf might be an appropriate downtime activity for the Lt. Commander. Danny comes in just in time, teasing that Steve didn't behave well enough to get a treat, like Eddie. The dialogue is priceless, ending with Steve saying that being beaten “with a five iron” sounds right to him. It’s too bad that Sasso didn't get to do his dead-on Trump impression.
Of course, every member of “Hawaii Five-O” suspects complete foul play, but the mystery is that the scene shows death by suicide for Boyle, with no trace evidence to tip off murder. Lou (Chai McBride) is particularly convinced in the case, and it is a treat to see the hard-nosed captain put his characteristic interrogation methods to use.
Junior is especially connected to Cammy, having gone to school with her, and knowing her mother. He dedicates himself to finding her safe.
After disposing of a security guard in short order, Steve and Danny make their way into the wake for Boyle, seeking information from his son, Conor (Bryce McBratnie). The character is truly splendid as a snake, playing the “woe is me” part and being left with his father's “good and bad” choices in life. He slithers out of supplying further information. Danny and Steve both know the motive is much deeper.
No further disregard
Danny and Steve go to Cammy's apartment, and Junior is already there. He chases the man that he thinks knows her whereabouts and gives him a severely physical remembrance, but the subject still doesn't surrender much information back in the interrogation room.
Junior and Tani (Meaghan Rath) take off to look for Cammy in a remote place that Junior remembers, filled with old railroad cars. On the way, Junior reveals that he never returned a call from Cammy about a lunch date, and now, he feels haunted, sensing that he could have done something to help her. Tani comforts her fellow “Hawaii Five-O” new recruit, telling him that the situation is not his fault. Junior wanted to avoid talking about his time in Iraq and his ex-girlfriend.
Tani gets a greeting from Cammy like a hurricane, with fierce blows and kicks, but reports “I’m fine,” by the time Junior arrives. She asks “Where’d you learn to fight like that?” Cammy responds, “from my mother.” Just as Cammy's safety is won, they all become barraged by heavy firepower from hitmen, and not all the strength comes from ammunition.
Tani displays girl power of her own, taking down the last wicked assailant before giving a satisfying gaze. Junior tells Cammy “it's over” as they embrace.
Steve has an idea to visit an old informant and friend, Jin Leung, portrayed by veteran actor James Hong. He knows that the wise elder may have the perfect lead to nail Conor Boyle, but he and Danny have to do some friendly warming up. Leung is watching his son rehearse moves for becoming the next Bruce Lee, and was not too impressed by Danny's manner. He sends him to a back row while he talks to Steve, and he does indeed suggest that money is at the root of Mr. Boyle’s demise at an early date. He reveals that the Boyle son asked him for money in a currency trade deal for Euros after his father apparently pulled out of the deal, and that was the clincher in the case.
The day was not done for Danny, though, as he was summoned to the stage to be the sparring partner for Leung’s son. Scott Caan is terrific in not being able to hold back his character’s Jersey attitude and toughness enough to not “hit back” with his youthful partner. It was Scott Caan who taught Alex O'Loughlin the basics of jujitsu early in their “Hawaii Five-O” days.
The last scene shows Cammy and Junior side-by-side at Mei Lin’s funeral service, complete with the traditional “first fruits” offerings to pass on in the afterlife. The effort to ensure that the scene was so respectfully and authentically done should be commended to all involved with “Hawaii Five-O.” Junior and Cammy clasp hands just before the credits roll, and “Hawaii Five-O” fans have much more look forward to as Season 8 is teasing to a tremendous finale, and Season 9 is now a sure thing.