"Real Housewives of orange county" star vicki gunvalson took the time out to update fans on her daughter on Thursday. Earlier in the week, Briana Culberson had to have emergency surgery due to a complication of Lupus.
"Thank you everyone asking about Briana. She is at home in NC resting with Ryan and the boys. You are all so sweet. #lovemydaughter #lupusstinks," Vicki wrote on Instagram.
Ryan shares about health scare
On Monday, Ryan Culberson jumped on Instagram to let everyone know that his wife wasn't doing too well. He told fans that she had to have heart surgery, which was shocking to read.Ryan shared a photo of Briana in the hospital and wrote, "causing inflammation around her heart and is causing it to go in and out of irregular heart rhythms now requiring her to have a cardiac ablation."
A cardiac ablation is a procedure that can be done either in open heart surgery or with a catheter.
During the procedure, surgeons either scar or destroy the tissue surrounding the heart in order to get it beating back in a normal rhythm.
While dealing with Briana's surgery, Ryan has been keeping everyone updated and even asked, "Please keep my wife in your thoughts and prayers."
Briana Culberson lives in North Carolina with her husband Ryan and their two sons. Unfortunately, that's a long way from the OC so Vicki Gunvalson has been updating fans throughout Briana's surgery and recovery.
Home at last
Ryan also kept fans updated, letting everyone know that Briana is currently at home after having a successful surgery. "Thank you for the abundance of messages and comments over the last couple days, she’s home!" Ryan wrote on Instagram.
Briana Culberson was diagnosed with Lupus back in 2016 and was revealed during the Season 11 finale of "Real Housewives of Orange County." Ever since, Vicki has kept fans updated about the medical issues Briana has faced and there have been a few scary times for the "RHOC" daughter.
Last year, Page Six reports that Vicki said a dirty scalpel almost killed her daughter.
Months later in October, Vicki shared that Briana was having problems with her heart. She revealed that Briana's fight with Lupus had affected a part of her heart. It's not clear if that had anything to do with her recent cardiac ablation.
Vicki Gunvalson has reassured fans in the past about her daughter's health. Lupus is a very scary disease but Briana Culberson is only 30-years old. With youth and great medical care on her side, Briana can still live a pretty normal life.