The rumors are false and Director Matt Reeves confirmed that he will be staying with the upcoming "Batman" movie. However, actual production for “The Batman” will not begin for another year. Heroic Hollywood says the film will not start production until 2019 because Warner Bros. Studios already have three DC films scheduled to shoot in 2018.

"Shazam" is currently in production.

"Wonder Woman 2" will begin shooting next, and then the "Joker" solo film will begin after that. If they follow this schedule, the film will not be released until 2020 or 2021, eight or nine years since the last "Batman" solo movie was released. This will be the longest wait between "Batman" films since the reboot between “Batman & Robin” in 1997 and “Batman Begins” in 2005. It will also become the longest wait since the launch of the modern Batman film series beginning with the 1989 "Batman" film.

Previously, Matt Reeves said he has the story planned, but no script yet.

While “The Batman” will not open for several years, Batman is played by Ben Affleck, who has played Batman in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”, “Suicide Squad,” and “Justice League.” He’s also rumored to make an appearance in the Flash movie “Flashpoint.”

Ben Affleck unsure if he will continue with DCEU

Currently, Ben Affleck is unsure if he will continue to play the rebooted Batman, as the role has taken up more of his time than he was expecting. Warner Bros. executives are reported to not be happy with the results of Affleck playing the Dark Knight, a decision they expected to be strongly similar to Marvel Studios’ decision to cast Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man.

The decision to continue or replace Affleck is his up to him.

However, rumors are speculating that Jake Gyllenhaal and Jon Hamm could replace him in the future films. There are also rumors that Affleck is looking for a way to smoothly transition out of the Dc Extended Universe and move on. Reeves is also interested in filming his own trilogy of "Batman" films, so he could be looking for a new Batman altogether.

Matt Reeves has full control of "The Batman"

Warner Bros has no plans to rush Matt Reeves or his creative team. Allegedly he has been given Christopher Nolan type control for the upcoming solo movie. This allows him the ability to tell the story that he wants to tell, without being controlled by a puppet master.

Decisions to replace Affleck come as Warner Bros.

begins to restructure their DC Films division following the lackluster performance of “Justice League.” “Justice League” is now available for purchase on Digital HD, Blu-ray, and DVD. The next film to hit theaters is “Aquaman,” on December 21, 2018.