General Hospital” is picking up steam. The earthquake rocked Port Charles and the fallout has just begun. This past week saw hope for a Sam (Kelly Monaco) and Jason (Steve Burton) reunion with a confession of love. Despite that one moment, it looks like things won't change immediately. Mike (Max Gail) is going downhill faster than Sonny (Maurice Benard) or Carly (Laura Wright) anticipated, and now, they will have to decide the best course of action for him. With another week in the books, “General Hospital” fans are anxious to see what is going to happen next week.

Peter draws suspicion

Peter August (Wes Ramsey) is developing a strong bond with Maxie (Kirsten Storms). This has already piqued the interest of Nina (Michelle Stafford). It looks like she is going to become increasingly suspicious of Peter in the weeks ahead. His interest in Maxie and her baby has Nina's wheels turning. “General Hospital” fans know that he is definitely Faison's (Anders Hove) son, but no one in Port Charles is any wiser except Valentin (James Patrick Stuart). This is going to cause an issue between Nina and her husband, especially if she finds out the truth and that Valentin knew all along.

There is a lot going on with Franco (Roger Howarth) and Drew (Billy Miller). With the confrontation that is coming because of what Jim Harvey (Greg Evigan) told Drew, the “General Hospital” storyline is about to get complicated.

Franco reportedly will remember what happened between him and Drew as children, and it looks like it wasn't anything as terrible as Harvey thunk up. He is the predator and blamed Franco. This may go on for a few more weeks, especially with May being a sweeps period. Could this change things between the two who were raised as brothers?

Other spoilers

Next week on “General Hospital” isn't going to be incredibly exciting, but it will lead to plenty of progress on various storylines. There has been speculation that Anna (Finola Hughes) and Andre (Anthony Montgomery) will be paired as a couple. She is going to be running to him again this week, presumably after she confronts Valentin for lying to her.

Anna knows he wasn't honest about the baby, but will she be the one to find out Peter is her son? “General Hospital” will also touch on Mike and his ailing memory, complete with Sonny and Carly trying to find a solution.

With so much happening in Port Charles, “General Hospital” is a must-see every single weekday.