The world's favorite animated television show, "Rick and Morty", won't be returning any time this year to give us more high-octane fun, yet never again will you need to depend on finding a YouTube live-stream to get your fix of the show. The Critics' Choice Award-winning show that claimed its fame competing amidst popular and renowned animated television shows from various broadcasting networks can soon be yours to claim and watch at the comfort and leisure of your home.
High octane shenanigans in high definition. Yes, you heard us right.
I turned myself into a DVD, Morty!
"Rick and Morty" season three will be accessible on DVD and Blu-ray this year on the 15th of May. From makers Dan Harmon (widely recognized for his hit show Community) and Justin Roiland (widely recognized as co-animator for Adventure Time), the honor winning comic drama includes out-of-this-world shenanigans, taking fans on a gathering of intergalactic excursions over the multi-verse. You will need to add this one to your collection if you’re a die-hard fan of the show, which we shall safely assume you are since you’re reading this.
What’s special?
The Blu-Ray/DVD bundle for the latest and hyped season 3 of "Rick and Morty" will not only feature the 10 episodes of the show but a lot more for the collective fandom to rejoice over. Adding to the mayhem is over three and a half hours of clips, animations, and behind the scenes footage that will leave any fan satiated with giggles and feels.
The exceptional and noteworthy specialties of the bundle include the following such as bloopers and studio footage of the talented voice acting crew of "Rick and Morty", including celebrity appearances by both famed actors, actresses, and rockstars. The bundle will also house detailed breakdowns of each and every episode of the third season along with the juicy inside news straight from the recording booth.
What makes it even more interesting is the addition of the origins of "Rick and Morty", which according to us, is the cherry on top of this delicious pastry of wholesome goodness.
The next season of "Rick and Morty" is rumored to be expected somewhere around late 2019, and this one is going to be one hell of an excruciating wait as far as the likes of the fandom go! Earlier this year, Dan Harmon promised the fandom that the writing was never going to be mediocre, which is why the show’s creative time along with Adult Swim take the time they do to deliver us the final product. Meanwhile, at any rate, you'll have the DVD at your disposal for unlimited fun in high definition.