“Teen Mom OG” aired a brand new episode last night, and some of the revelations have been worrisome to viewers. The show is approximately six months behind when it actually airs. This has caused a lot of confusion about where the reality stars are in their lives right now. Despite appearing to have it all together, several of the “Teen Mom OG” women and men are dealing with some heavy things.
Farrah pulls off the surprise
A couple of episodes back, it was revealed that Michael Abraham was planning to propose to his long-time girlfriend. Farrah Abraham offered to help with things in order to make it less stressful for her dad.
The family ended up in Italy, and when it came for the big moment, Amy said yes to the proposal. It was romantic and serene, two things that aren't typically associated with Farrah Abraham.
Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra seem to be struggling right now. Aside from the fact that Catelynn is back in a rehab facility for the third time, the issues were a bit of a shock. Tyler opened up about his self-esteem issues. There is also a lack of sleep happening, but given the issues with his father, Baltierra doesn't want to take anything to help. A lot has happened since Novalee was born, and it appears both parents are getting adjusted to the changes at a different pace. Tyler is so busy helping Catelynn, he is also neglecting himself.
Maci talks miscarriage
It has only been a few days since news about Maci Bookout's miscarriage broke. “Teen Mom OG” fans were shocked to learn about the devastating loss. Bookout and husband, Taylor McKinney, talked a little bit about it last night. He was worried because neither had told their family about their loss. The pregnancy was far enough along that the gender was visible.
Bookout and McKinney would have welcomed another little girl in 2018, but instead, they are mourning her. Maci calls the baby Dande, which is short for Dandelion.
The loss hasn't affected their desire to raise more children. Maci Bookout has wanted to adopt for years, and now, it seems like Taylor McKinney might also be on board.
They have talked about an older child, not a brand new baby. Adoption is something Bookout is passionate about, and a new addition to their home will be exciting for the other children as well.
Amber Portwood's news is the most shocking of the night. She found out she was expecting a baby with her new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon. The two weren't shocked because they were not using birth control at all. Portwood had been with Glennon for only three months prior to becoming pregnant. She admitted that she had also discontinued her medication after getting involved with Andrew. This has sent red flags up among “Teen Mom OG” viewers. Amber's mental health has been discussed for years, and now, she is just not taking her medication?