Jenelle Evans has taken a step back when it comes to her social media activity. The "Teen Mom 2" star used to share everything that was on her mind, but these days, it sounds like her fans are believing reports about her marriage, her family, and even her role on the famous reality show - simply because she's not speaking out. A few years ago, Jenelle was very vocal about her dislike for MTV because she always felt that her co-stars were portrayed as saints while she was the bad girl of the group.

She threatened to leave the show behind. This past season was no different, as she was furious that MTV focused on a fight she had with David before their wedding.

According to a new tweet, Jenelle Evans is now hinting that she's looking to transform her life in 2018. She shared the news in a retweet on her Twitter profile, a profile she had previously deactivated so she could focus on her family for a while. In the tweet she shared, Jenelle reveals that her goal for this year is to have a mentally and physically healthy year while focusing on her relationship with God. While Jenelle isn't a religious person on social media, she has bragged about Kaiser reading the bible.

Rumors about her marriage

Maybe Jenelle Evans is upset about the way people are talking about her relationship with David Eason. Despite sharing photos of him on Instagram, people are convinced that they broke up during the holidays because David deleted his Facebook profile. It's no secret that he has been labeled an aggressive and angry person, but it seems like she's truly tired of hearing rumors that David is beating her, that their marriage is falling apart, and even that she's pregnant once again with his baby.

Leaving MTV?

It's interesting that the retweet includes a focus on positivity. When Jenelle deleted her Twitter profile in protest over her portrayal on MTV's "Teen Mom 2," she referenced the lack of positivity and happiness in her storyline.

She claimed that producers were trying to paint her in a negative light and only focus on the fighting. She could be hinting that her positive 2018 won't include "Teen Mom 2." She has threatened to quit the show several times but has never followed through with her threats. It will be interesting to see if she chooses to go through with it now.

What do you think about Jenelle Evans' tweet about focusing on a healthier 2018? Do you think her reference to positivity is all about her role on "Teen Mom 2?"