At first, viewers thought it was part of a stunt since it was Wendy Williams' Halloween show on Tuesday, October 31. Viewers soon suspected something else was happening, and it wasn't a Halloween stunt after all. Wendy Williams had actually passed out after her speech became slurred while reading the teleprompter. She looked strange as if she was frightened by something. She staggered backward and fell to the floor. Members of her staff were seen rushing to her aid as the television screen went black followed by an unscheduled commercial.

What happened?

When the show returned from the long commercial break, the 53-year-old talk show host quickly let viewers know that it wasn't a stunt. She played down what happened by saying she was just overheated because of the heavy costume she was wearing, her thick makeup and the bright lights. She indicated that she was fine because she is a champ.

Wendy's costume

She was dressed as the Statue of Liberty and the outfit did look heavy. It is interesting that at the beginning of the show, she had described the outfit and joked about the size of everything Lady Liberty was wearing. She gave some tidbits about the statue by saying that Lady Liberty is standing in New Jersey, but she is facing New York.

Therefore, both states claim the statue.

Halloween show

Not only was the host decked out in a costume, but her studio audience was also wearing their Halloween costumes. In fact, when Wendy returned after the commercial, the winners in the best-dressed contest had already been chosen, and she was able to introduce them. When the show was over, Wendy joked that she didn't know she had been passed out that long.

Later during the day, she tweeted that she was fine. She wrote that she just needed some water and electrolytes. She will address the situation during Wednesday's hot topics segment. In the meantime, her staffers are concerned about the host's health. They have noticed she has been under a lot of pressure and has been losing more weight than usual.

They think she is under a lot of personal stress.

Williams' rep Ronn Torossian said she was just suffering from dehydration when she fainted while on the air. He assured fans that the popular tell-it-like-it-is talk show host was examined by medical professionals and is well, and she will be back on her regularly scheduled show on Wednesday. The rep added that Williams will show up for work because she loves her show so much that she has never missed a day.