Wednesday on "The Young and the Restless," Nick and Chelsea decided to accompany Billy and Phyllis to new orleans for Thanksgiving. According to Celeb Diry Laundry, Adam Newman's widow will get the shock of her life while in the Big Easy. She is going to see someone and believe strongly that it is her deceased husband. There have been rumors for a while that Michael Muhney was going to return to the role and recent talk of a recast for Victor's second son.

Perhaps new head writer Mal Young has decided to actually bring the character back to Geno City.

There is a reason the couples are in New Orleans

Billy deciding to suddenly take Phyllis to New Orleans seemed a rather odd thing to do for Thanksgiving and Nick and Chelsea deciding to tag along was even more strange. These two couples make strange bedfellows indeed as Phyllis has been intimate with Jack, Nick, and Billy, while Chelsea has known Adam, Billy, and Nick in the biblical sense. On Wednesday, however, the past seemed to be forgotten as they all decided to travel together.

There is obviously a reason for this trip to the Crescent City, and if spoiler alerts are correct, it could be related to Adam Newman's return.

According to Celeb Dirty Laundry, Chelsea will be quite rattled when she thinks she saw her deceased husband and will not know what to do. She will more than likely keep it to herself until she returns to Genoa City where she will share her news with Victor.

Adam's return will change everything

Spoilers indicate that the return of Adam Newman will most certainly bring out the truth about Conner's paternity. Once Nick finds out that Chelsea and his father knew that his brother is the biological father of the child he has been raising, this may be more than he can bear. While Sage was alive, Adam allowed the fact that he is the boy's father to remain a secret. Should he return, he will definitely want to reclaim everything that belongs to him, including his wife and son.

If Adam is alive, there are many questions that need to be answered, including how he survived the explosion and why he did not contact Chelsea. There may be an issue with memory loss, because why else would he be walking around without letting his family know he is alive? It's also obvious that someone has been helping him survive for an entire year. Whatever the reason for the trip to New Orleans, the issue of Michael Muhney and/or a recast would be very intriguing. Stay tuned for more episodes of "The Young and the Restless" weekday afternoons at 12:30 PM on CBS.