Darren Knight, also known as "Southern Momma," is the latest and hottest must see in comedy. This is real life, down-home fun at it's best and Knight's take on raising a family southern style will have you rolling on the floor in laughter! If you have somehow missed Darren Knight's Facebook and YouTube videos being shared across the social media sites then you absolutely need to keep reading.
Darren Knight's take on comedy becomes a viral sensation
Darren Knight's portrayal on everyday life in the south is not just a southern thing and you are sure to identify with the humor of "Southern Momma's everyday life dilemmas whether it be dealing with her children, her ex, other parents, or just chatting it up with her bestie.
There is absolutely a little bit of Southern Momma inside everyone!
Mom's everywhere relate to Darren Knight's 'Southern Momma'
Knight's success has skyrocketed not only across the Internet but also with his stand up comedy show. In the past 12- months Knight has sold out 110 consecutive comedy shows and has exceeded more than two million fans with totals rising daily. Knight's take on life has offered a comic relief for stressed-out mommas and wives everywhere who can certainly relate to the same trials of raising children and marriage.
Darren is a 2005 graduate of Southside High school who began posting his comedy videos to Facebook after graduation. His videos show Knight portraying a southern momma with hilarious skits that include Southern Momma taking the kids to church, trying to watch a movie, enjoying a day out at her kid's summer baseball games and all that that entails.
He credits his Southern Momma character to being 60 percent his grandmother Faye Edwards and 40 percent his mother Donna Hill. Both mom and grandma reveal they are extremely proud of Darren and the success he has found and enjoy an up-close look back on their days as young mothers. On tour now, Knights list of public events are posted on his official page at DarrenKnight.com with just five shows left on his comedy tour in 2017.
If you have yet to discover the pure and honest humor of Darren Knight yet here are a few of our favorite videos. The rest can also be found on Facebook and YouTube.Check these out and tell us if you do not find a bit of "Southern Momma in yourself or someone you know. Besides Knight's comedy videos and tour, Darren often goes live on Facebook sharing humorous details and stories from his own daily life adventures.
Southern Mommas across the globe are calling Knight the “funniest man in America.” Darren is from Munford, Alabama. What are your thoughts on Darren Knight's "Southern Momma?"