Adult Swim’s hit show "Rick and Morty" has gathered quite an outstanding list of guest celebrities to lend their voices, and it is nothing short of star-studded and brimming with extravagance. Here is a list of 21 celebrities that have guest starred, and it's a safe bet that you didn’t expect to see some names on this list.

#1. Gillian Jacobs (Supernova)

Guest starring in "Vindicators 3: Return of the Worldender," Supernova happens to be the only original Vindicator who happens to escape Rick Sanchez's wrath of annihilation.

The voice casting for this particular role couldn’t have been done any better and Gillian pulled it off.

#2. Joel McHale (Hemorrhage)

As explains it, "Community’s" Joel McHale voices Hemorrhage, "the bondage-clad leader of the Death Stalkers who slips between villain and ally more than once, offering up some of the episode’s best moments."

#3. Andy Daly (Krombopulos Michael)

Krombopulos Michael is viably remarkable contrasted with other minor characters from the show and is a gigantic hit among the fans. He appears in the episode "Mortynight Run" and in spite of being a fleeting character, Andy Daly does well in the part of a professional killer.

#4. Susan Sarandon (Doctor Wong)

Susan has had the opportunity to play the role of the only person in the whole of "Rick and Morty" who has proven to be an absolute mental match to Rick Sanchez, She was a psychiatrist, in the episode "Pickle Rick."

#5. Alfred Molina (The Devil)

Alfred Molina gives the Devil a touch of the baffling. Molina plays Mr. Lucius Needful and is the main antagonist of "Something Ricked This Way Comes."

#6. Danny Trejo (Jaguar)

Pickle Rick was made significantly more exceptional by the sheer nearness of Danny Trejo in his notorious part as the criminal who was detained by a Russian organization. Anything with Danny in it implies a ton of coolness and bravado.

#7. Thomas Middleditch (Tommy)

Middleditch brought his delightfully twisted A-game to “The ABCs of Beth,” in which he starred as a childhood friend of Beth’s who got stuck in her fantasy world and became its self-proclaimed king.

He was also an incest-loving cannibal sociopath, which Middleditch brought to life in demented fashion by making Tommy happy to the point of delusional.

#8. Keegan Michael Key and Jordan Peele (Fourth Dimensional Testicle Monsters)

The Fourth Dimensional Beings, who just so happen to look like a mammoth gonad. Key and Peele's exasperated screeches and affable and impromptu attitude make the ideal omniscient time traveling animal who just needs to set things ideal in "A Rickle in Time."

#9. Keith David (President)

Amazing on-screen legend Keith David has a voice suitable to depiction and expert, a point shown in his turn as President in the episode "Get Schwifty." Trusted with keeping the Earth safe from inevitable devastation, David gives the president a direct essentialness that helps fuel the race against time to build up the perfect tune for the Cromulons.

#10. Lance Reddick (Alan Rails)

Reddick has always been an authoritative screen presence, playing characters who have control of the situation, dispensing orders and/or wisdom. Alan Rails has his imposing moments, but the character also gave Reddick the chance to tap into his sarcastic side.

#11. Christian Slater (Vance Maximus)

The proud leader of the Vindicators and the first to be eliminated by Rick, Vance is quite the charming, yet foolish forefront of the intergalactic superhero ensemble in the episode "Vindicators 3: Return of the Worldender." Christian Slater from "Mr. Robot" fit the role flawlessly.

#12. Nathan Fillon (Cornvelius Daniel)

Fillion credits his voice to Cornvelius Daniel, the Gromflomite Galactic Federation Agent in the episode "The Rickshank Redemption," who assaults Rick's mind to get the condition behind Rick's gateway weapon.

#13. Jemaine Clement (Fart)

Jemaine Clement highlights in "Mortynight Run" as Fart, who sings tunes to Morty that reveal the wonders of the universe, which ordinarily incorporate passing and annihilation. Morty and Rick spend time trying to get Fart back home but end up killing him in the end.

#14. Claudia Black (Ma-Sha)

Claudia is an out and out sci-fi legend, and she does absolute justice to her role as the majestic Ma-Sha from "Raising Gazorpazorp." Her command and person shines through her animated portrayal.

#15. David Cross (Prince Nebulon)

David voices the funny Prince Nebulon of the Zigerion Scammers, who tries to trap Rick and Morty in a progression of recreations in the episode "M. Night Shyam-Aliens." Clearly, the dynamic team makes sense of how to outflank the sporadic outcasts, alongside Jerry, who is likewise by one means or another stirred up in the majority of this.

My Man!

#16. Kurtwood Smith (General Nathan)

Showing up in the episode "Get Schwifty," General Nathan, voiced by Kurtwood, is the one enthused about influencing the President to dispatch an atomic strike on the Cromulons as he has no expectation in Rick and Morty making a hit melody. He plays the role flawlessly.

#17. Christina Hendricks (Unity)

Unity, voiced by Christina Hendricks in the episode "Auto Erotic Assimilation," happens to be Rick's ex. She is a hive mind who shares Rick's ability to comprehend the entire universe. The two end up getting back together, for a time being, when she appears in the episode.

#18. Matt Walsh (Sleepy Gary)

Sleepy Gary is the type of kind, obliging, and friendly man to pull in both Beth and Jerry.

Walsh appears as Sleepy Gary in the episode "Total Rickall," playing Beth's husband and Jerry's best friend.

#19. Jeff B. Davis (Simple Rick Commercial)

He may have only popped up for a few lines, but Davis’ Sam Elliott impression was just the thing to ease some of the rising tensions in “The Ricklantic Mixup.” The voiceover for Simple Rick is disorienting in how true-to-target the impression is, in addition to being a jarring commercial in the middle of the heavy philosophical quandaries of The Citadel.

#20. John Oliver (Dr. Xenon Bloom)

Dr. Xenon Bloom is a sentient amoeba who co-founded Anatomy Park along with Rick. He is killed when the diseases of the park escape from captivity and overrun the park.

He appears in the episode titled "Anatomy Park." John Oliver plays the role well.

#21. Tricia Helfer (Donna Gueterman)

Donna Gutermann was the mother of Tammy and is first introduced in the episode "The Wedding Squanchers" during Birdperson's wedding. She and her husband Pat introduce themselves to Beth and Jerry during the wedding's reception. Later, it is revealed that Pat, Donna, and Tammy are agents for the Galactic Federation. Donna and Pat are not humans and are shown as deadly robots.