“Sword Art Online” has become one of the most popular anime series over the past few years. The original plot follows a teenager named Kirigaya Kazuto, better known as Kirito, who plays an immersive MMO game called “Sword Art Online.” However, the creator trapped everyone within the game’s world, killing anyone who tried to purposely leave. Since the anime premiered back in 2012, the series got another season, along with its own animated film. Now, the creators confirmed that Kirito and his friends will be back for a third season.
Project Alicization
Comic Book shared that the third season of “Sword Art Online” was announced during the Dengeki Bunk Fall Festival in Tokyo. This time, the series will be tackling Reki Kawahara’s “Alicization” arc. That said, voice actors Yoshitsugu Matsuoka and Haruka Tomatsu will be reprising their roles as Kirito and Asuna, respectively. Meanwhile, newcomer Alice will be played by Ai Kayano, while Nobunaga Shimazaki will play Eugeo.
The Alicization arc takes up half of the 18 volumes in the light novel series. Here, Kirito manages to land a job at a company called Rath. He’s tasked with testing out the new FullDive equipment called the Soul Translator. That said, things don’t go as planned, kickstarting Kirito’s new adventure.
The anime still has no release date as of now, but you can watch the first teaser below to learn more:
Another spinoff
That said, the anime will be getting a spinoff series based on the “Gun Gale Online” series. Another Comic Book report states that this new anime show will be written by Keiichi Sigsawa, while Kouhaku Kuroboshi will handle the illustration.
Fans shouldn’t expect many of the original “Gun Gale Online” characters to return, but Llenn, Pitohui, and a few others are confirmed to return. Meanwhile, Kazuyuki Okitsu will play M, while Chinatsu Akasaki will play Fukaziroh.
Fans have been pleading for a “GGO” spinoff for some time now, so it’s great that A-1 Pictures has finally decided to push through with the project.
This new VRMMO game was introduced after the controversial “SAO” incident. Here, Kirito was tasked with investigating another issue where people would die after being murdered by a mysterious figure. Instead of swords, players fought using mainly firearms and similar weaponry. You can watch the second season of “SAO” to learn more about the original “Gun Gale Online” game.