With over 30 women speaking out about their experience of sexual harassment by Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood has been a catastrophe. Many men are being exposed for their failure to share their knowledge of his abusive ways. Most women in Hollywood are, however, using the scandal as an opportunity to raise awareness of how common Sexual Harassment is for women. Patricia Arquette is one of those women using Twitter to openly talk about her past experiences.
Weinstein isn't the only one
On Saturday, Arquette shared a story on Twitter about an experience she had with Oliver Stone.
She said that years ago, she had a meeting with the producer about doing a movie. The two went over the material which was "very sexual," but the meeting stayed professional.
She then says she received flowers from Stone at her home, which wasn't abnormal, though it did feel weird to her. What was even stranger to her was that his assistant called to make sure she got them, before he invited her to the screening of a movie.
Since Arquette thought something felt weird, she brought her boyfriend with her to the screening. Upon leaving the bathroom, Stone allegedly stopped her and asked: "Why did you bring him?"
She replied, asking why it was a problem, stating that it shouldn't be. She left the premiere after that and never heard from Stone again.
Bigger than Hollywood
Arquette continued her rant saying that "women are always f--ked." She says that people believe women then seconds later don't believe women. "By all means, this is a problem in Hollywood," she continued. The bigger problem, she says, is that women in all industries are subject to this kind of sexual harassment.
She says that she has even experienced sexual impropriety in a gynecologist's office. The actress says she has dealt with sexual impropriety since she was a 4-year-old "out in the world."
Arquette finished her rant by stating that she had only one job where she experienced no sexual harassment, which was at Planned Parenthood when she was 15-years-old.
The actress is one of many who are using social media as a platform to share their experiences with sexual harassment in Hollywood. Rose McGowan has started a Twitter movement which she calls "Rose army," to spread social justice across the platform.
Arquette, McGowan and many other women have the ultimate goal of changing Hollywood. The actresses and their supporters want to see harassers like Weinstein exposed, and justice for victims.