Jenelle Evans is furious after watching Monday’s episode of “Teen Mom 2.” The mother of three revealed on Twitter that a producer had warned her that the content of the episode was graphic. Evans watched the episode and she was so appalled that she decided to delete her social media account on Twitter. Jenelle later revealed on Instagram that she had deleted her Twitter handle because she didn’t want to deal with the negative backlash, especially because she feels the show was edited to make her look bad.
According to a new Instagram post, Jenelle Evans is now revealing that she’s planning on staying away from social media for a while. She’s angry with the producers for making her appear like a victim and making fans think that David Eason has an anger problem. Of course, it is hard for Jenelle to deny that a fight took place while filming, as she kept texting producers that he was putting her down. When the producers showed up at their house the next day, David tried to deny that they had a fight. It was almost scary to watch.
Claims fans are editing photos
"The first screenshot of the custody episode someone posted photoshopping a hand mark on my arm.
The other screenshots are pictures I’ve taken myself from the same episode... and there aren’t any hand marks," Jenelle Evans has revealed about the first set of photos that were released on social media, claiming that David had beaten Jenelle.
In the photo, her arm appears to be red and it looks like there are finger marks on her skin. Supposedly, the picture suggests that he has grabbed her by the arm and dragged her with him. However, Evans claims that the photos are false and that people are just trying to make David look abusive, so Barbara is right in her claims about him.
Fans are worried about the safety of the kids
After watching Monday’s episode of “Teen Mom 2,” many fans expressed concern over the safety of the children.
Many reached out to Nathan Griffith, asking him to take legal action to get his son Kaiser back. They believe that he may not be safe in the home with David. Apparently, many people believe that he is dangerous and he could potentially hurt Kaiser. Jenelle has denied that he has ever been violent or dangerous, but people simply don't believe her. They think that he's making her say these things, so he won't look like a bad guy.
What do you think about Jenelle Evans' claims that people are trying to make David look like an abuser by editing photos of her arm?