"DC's Legends of tomorrow" resumes its journey this Oct. 10, picking up from a botched timeline seen during the Season 2 finale. The team will have their hands full and it looks like one DC character will be coming in to lend a hand – Constantine (Matt Ryan).
According to Comicbook, Constantine will be making a rare appearance in one of the episodes of “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.” The guest appearance hints at the demon hunter lending his expertise which the “Legends” may find too much to handle. As of this writing, the actual episode where Matt Ryan would be appearing has yet to be known.
Possible push for solo TV starter
“Constantine” had its own series on NBC back in 2014. However, the low ratings forced the network to pull the plug. According to Screen Rant, the show averaged only 3.34 million viewers per episode and included 0.9 in the 18-49 demographic.
Fans who followed the show petitioned to have “Constantine” reinstated but to no avail. However, the good news is that an animated web-series set to premiere in 2018 are planned. It is possible that CW may use the guest appearance of Ryan to push the series though that remains to be seen.
Will he appear in future episodes?
Despite the axing of his show, Constantine has quietly been kept around. He made an appearance on “Arrow,” part of some flashbacks showing how he and Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) became friends.
Looking ahead, it may not be surprising to see him again. Crossovers and flashbacks make it possible for the eponymous antihero to appear in the future, all dependent on what CW showrunners have planned ahead.
The same holds true for “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” or even “The Flash.” With time-travel a big part of both shows, injecting Constantine at some point to play his supernatural role is openly possible.
Similar to the case of “Arrow,” a lot of that depends on the script the producers have come up with.
While all that is up in the air, it will be interesting what lies ahead for the “Legends.” As previously reported, two familiar villains are already expected to make an appearance. These are Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) and “Flash’s” arch-nemesis Gorilla Grodd.
Similar to the case of Constantine, there is no official word on when both villains will make their entry into the TV show.
Aside from the expected villains appearing, the team will have to deal with the Time Bureau led by former captain Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill). Sara Lance/ White Canary (Caity Lotz) will resume her duties as the team’s leader with most of the team still intact. “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” kicks off its third season this Oct. 10 on The CW.