Spoiler alerts for "The Young and the Restless" suggest that a lot of deception is in the air. it seems that Phyllis and Victoria are going to pretend to play nice, but this should not be taken at face value. For once it seems that these former sisters in law are going to be on the same page. Both women want Billy to believe they are getting along but actually they are gearing up for the fight of their lives.
Phyllis is playing nice, yet is determined to hold on to her man
On Wednesday's episode of "The Young and the Restless" Hilary asks Phyllis if she is winning or losing the war with Victoria and warns her not to let her guard down where Billy's former wife is concerned.
Phyllis says she and Billy are solid but she knows Vicky wants him back. She admits that it is normal for couples who have been in love to still have chemistry, but Billy is not seeing that his ex-wife is playing him. At this point, she is fighting to hold onto her man. This might indicate that Phyllis is not as confident as she says she is.
While she is trying to convince herself and Hilary that she will be the winner where Billy Abbot is concerned, her lover is at the office discussing issues with Victoria that Phyllis is not aware of. They talk about their shared kiss and the fact that Billy may need to use his sweetie's laptop again to gain information about Jabot. Unaware of the secrets Villy are hiding, Phyllis is all smiles when she and Billy run into Vicky later on.
Victoria is pretending but is confident she will win Billy back
Victoria pretends everything is business as usual in the office and says she dealt with Phyllis regarding Ben Hochman and now she needs to move on. Although Billy agreed they would never kiss again, his former spouse is confident that she got to him and will eventually win him back.
On Tuesday she told her mom Nikki that because she had been married to Billy, she knows him well and thinks they have reached a turning point. Twice on Tuesday and again on Wednesday, Mr. Abbot found himself reminiscing about that kiss. So it is clear that the mother of his children did get to him.
When Billy and Victoria were having lunch Phyllis came by and Vicky invited her to join them.
Ms. Newman apologized for attacking her rival in the elevator and Phyllis also apologized for her own actions. Billy was elated that these two women seem to be trying to get along but he has no clue what is really going on. Behind those smiles, his current lover and ex-wife have just declared war. They are gearing up for the fight of their lives and each intends to win.