Spoiler alerts for "The Bold and the Beautiful," are saying that Sally Spectra will get both bad news and good news this week. Considering the recent storyline, it is most likely connected to Liam who believes he can force Dollar Bill, to give him the keys to the "Spencer Publications" kingdom.

Liam decides to take charge of the family dynasty

When Liam overheard his father trying to cheat C.J. out of money for the Spectra building, he told him not to take the meager offer and asked Mr. Garrison to step out of the of office. Liam then announced that he expected Dollar Bill to step aside and allow him to run "Spencer Publications." If Bill refuses, his son will give authorities a tape where his father admitted paying to burn down Sally Spectra's company.

Sally already knows that there was no insurance and that is why she is planning on leaving town, so the bad news must be related to something different. Spoiler alerts tease that Thomas is going to decide to stay in New York indefinitely, so this may be what they are hinting at. Last week Liam said his father will never get to erect his skyscraper, which means he will not purchase the burned out Spectra building.

This may infer that the good news is Liam seeing to it that C.J. and Sally somehow get a fair dollar amount for the Spectra building. He might even say his dad is giving a donation in order to help them. Lia has said he is taking Spencer in a new direction so helping Spectra could be his first good deed.

A new day for Spencer and Spectra

On Friday Dollar Bill told Brooke he was thinking about taking a leave of absence, so he obviously is considering his son's offer. This could be a new day for both "Spectra Fashions" as well as "Spencer Publications." Viewers of "The Bold and the Beautiful" will be eager to find out definitely what the nature of Sally's good news is.

And also to find out if she is making a connection with Liam that is more than friendship.

Bill Spencer asked his son last week if he were developing feelings for this fiery redhead he keeps standing up for, but Liam shook his head. With Thomas out of town, and Steffy questioning his decision to make Bill step down, it is possible that something may develop between the spoiled rich guy and the girl from the wrong side of the track. Of course, it all could go in a completely different direction. Stay tuned weekday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. on CBS to find out what happens next on "The Bold and the Beautiful."