Gretchen Rossi may have returned to "The Real Housewives of Orange County" to discuss her friendship with Tamra Judge, but it sounds like she got quite the surprise when she went to Vicki Gunvalson's birthday during last week's episode of "The Real Housewives of Orange County." Gretchen was shocked to hear that Tamra's former best man at her wedding was spreading rumors about Eddie making out with another man. Rossi believed the rumor but claimed that this was the first time that she and Vicki Gunvalson heard it. They weren't spreading the rumor, but merely listening to what was being said.
Over the past couple of days, Gretchen Rossi has defended herself as fans believe she's making fun of being gay. Apparently, when the ladies gossiped about what Ricky had supposedly seen Eddie do, fans thought that the ladies were making fun of being gay. Rossi denied doing this and merely said that she was trying to prove to Tamra that she was not a bad person. According to a new tweet, Gretchen Rossi is now revealing Judge is actually the one who is homophobic, as she has made gay slurs towards Slade Smiley in the past.
Tamra not innocent
It sounds like Tamra is not very innocent when it comes to gay slurs. One of Gretchen Rossi's fans posted a snippet of an article on Twitter, revealing Judge herself had called Slade "homo" and had gotten into trouble.
This isn't something that she can deny, as she publicly had to apologize to GLAAD. As Gretchen points out on Twitter, Tamra is the one who is making gay slurs, not herself.
#TheDailyPop Oh and I forgot to say that Tamra is the one who made gay slurs on #RHOC and called Slade a ...
— Gretchen Rossi (@GretchenRossi) September 21, 2017
It did seem weird for the ladies to be accused of making gay slurs as they were shocked at the news.
While it may not have been nice to hear, it sounds like they were shocked at the fact that Eddie was married to Tamra and still making out with another man. However, this doesn't excuse how it looked on "The Real Housewives of Orange County." Several celebrities have spoken out against Rossi and how it looked.
Rumors of a storyline
For a while, Tamra didn't say much about the drama. She didn't say much about the storyline. However, fans are now speculating whether Judge made it a big deal out of this to get attention on the show. If this is the case, then it has backfired as she's accusing Gretchen Rossi of doing something she herself has done. It is very interesting that Gretchen is now pointing out that Tamra herself has used the word "homo" before to describe a straight man as if it was bad.
What do you think of the tweet that Gretchen Rossi shared about Judge?