"Days of our Lives" spoilers reveal that Abigail is set to have a fun bachelorette party with her close friends and family members. While every woman wants a fun night to remember before getting married, it looks like Abby's party will end up causing heartache for some of the party goers. It could even lead to some very shocking storylines in the future.

Abby's bachelorette party is a bummer

The latest "Days of our Lives" spoilers reveal that Abigail will be so happy to have reunited with Chad and that she can't wait to get married and be his wife yet again.

So, when the time comes for her to have her big bachelorette party she'll be excited. Sadly, the night may not be as fun as she had hoped. It seems some of the guests in attendance, namely Hope Brady and Kayla Johnson, will be happy for Abby, but they'll be consumed with thoughts of their own struggling relationships while talking about marriages and weddings.

Steve and Kayla are on the rocks

As many "Days Of Our Lives" viewers know, Steve and Kayla are currently on the rocks following the situation with their son, Joey. As many "DOOL" fans will remember, Joey decided to turn himself in to the Salem police for the murder of Ava Vitali. Joey's decision came after months of struggling with the guilt of what he did, but came to a head after his long-lost half-brother, Tripp, came to Salem and believed that Kayla was the person who murdered his mother.

Tripp then began a revenge plan against Kayla, which nearly cost her her medical career. Tripp later freaked out and held Kayla at knife point before he heard the truth of Joey's confession.

Joey leaving put a strain on their marriage

Later, when Joey decided that he wanted to turn himself in, Kayla blamed Steve for not doing more to talk him out of it.

Now, Steve and Kayla are in a very bad position, and their marriage is in jeopardy. Although they are still together, things couldn't be worse for the two, as Kayla feels hurt and betrayed by the love of her life, and misses her son deeply. "Days of our Lives" watchers will see Kayla struggle with her relationship issues while at Abigail's bachelorette party.

Hope and Rafe starting to unravel?

Meanwhile, Hope and Rafe aren't on the best terms either. Rafe wants to get married, and Hope is dragging her feet. The "Days of our Lives" fan-favorite couple could be headed for some tough times if one of them doesn't bend on where their relationship is going. Not to mention that they'll also begin a battle at work, as both of them will be considered for the commissioner job, which could put an extra strain on their relationship. Could Hope realize that she's not ready to marry Rafe just yet, and if so, will he understand, or could this be the beginning of the end for the couple?