D'Andra Simmons is brand new to "The Real Housewives of Dallas" and she's ready to make a name for herself on the show. Before the show came along, Simmons worked hard to make a name for herself in her mother's company and she had been preparing to take over parts of the company. However, she realized that her mother wasn't ready to give up part of the business to her. While D'Andra hasn't told her "The Real Housewives of Dallas" co-stars about her business ventures, she has tried to get to know them.
According to a new report from Bravo, D'Andra Simmons revealed that she's tired of trying to make an effort with Brandi Redmond.
Apparently, D'Andra feels like she has tried too hard to get to know Redmond and she's now giving up. She's the second person this season to say that Brandi is cold. Kameron Westcott revealed that she felt offended when Brandi invited Cary Deuber and Stephanie Hollman to Memphis in front of her. Of course, Redmond had lots of things going on, as she was devastated over her friendship issues with Stephanie. Perhaps she wanted to work these issues out before spending time on new friendships.
Tried a few times
Perhaps D'Andra Simmons thought Brandi should have made an effort with her as well. She feels like Redmond has no interest in getting to know her. Maybe it has nothing to do with her, but more about Brandi's experiences last year with LeeAnne Locken.
"It makes me sad that Brandi obviously had no intention of getting to know me, as I truly did want to get to know her. Cary had intimated that we could find a common ground between us. That being said, now knowing that NOT having a friendship with me isn’t a loss to her, I see that we truly just don’t click. We are very different people, which is true," D'Andra Simmons explained in her Bravo blog, revealing that she's happy she's not friends with Brandi after trying a few times.
Personal issues
Of course, D'Andra Simmons has plenty of personal issues going on. Not only is her mother keeping responsibilities from her in her business, but she's also disappointed that her stepson isn't making an effort with school. During Monday's episode, she freaked out as he revealed that he was unhappy in Dallas and wanted to leave.
She was mad because he did not give school a chance.
What do you think of D'Andra Simmons' comments that she made an effort to get to know Brandi but is done trying? Do you think it is just a matter of bad timing?