Amber Portwood went public with her new man a couple weeks ago as she attended the VMAs in Los Angeles. Amber decided to bring him on the red carpet so she could take brand new pictures of herself with her boyfriend, who is a producer on "marriage boot camp." While she was filming "Teen Mom OG," Portwood revealed that she had felt betrayed by Matt Baier. She learned that he had made sexual advances towards another woman and she was shocked to learn that he had taken money from their joint bank account.
She called him out on the "Teen Mom OG" reunion special, slamming his behavior and criticizing the way he had been a partner to her.
It makes sense that these two finally broke up, as Amber had her fair share of concerns about him. She didn't know whether she wanted to marry him and whenever the topic of marriage came up, she was hesitant. When they filmed the episodes in Vegas, Matt completely freaked out about Amber's lack of excitement over their wedding simply because she wanted her family there. He lashed out at her behind her back, saying he would never marry her.
Perhaps Amber was completely devastated when she realized what Matt was saying about her behind her back.
After a stint on “Marriage Boot Camp,” the two broke up and Amber quickly found a relationship with someone new. A producer revealed he had a crush on her and the two quickly bonded. Amber may not have wanted to start a relationship with a brand new man, but she may have wanted someone to talk to.
Gone public too fast?
According to a new Instagram post, Amber Portwood may not have received the best support from viewers after going public with her new man. After three years with Matt and almost getting married, some fans may feel she moved way too fast with her new boyfriend Andrew. It is possible that Amber just wanted someone to talk to and perhaps feel comfortable in talking to her new boyfriend about some of her past issues.
It is no secret that Matt was not the right one for Amber and fans continued to try to convince her of this for months.
Many people encouraged Portwood to break up with Matt but it wasn't until she heard the results of the lie detector test and him taking money from her that she finally realized that perhaps he was not the right man for her. The last thing Amber posted on social media was something about fans not supporting her position on Instagram. She lashed out at people and she was furious that they didn't think that it was the right thing for her.
No social media activity
"Get the f*ck off my instagram!! I do not care about you trolls," Amber wrote on Instagram before going silent, adding, "You are sad losers hiding behind your phone's or computers judging someone's life acting like God.
To me you are nobody. So unless you are in front of my face STFU Understand!"
After that post, Portwood disappeared from Instagram and she hasn't shared as much on Twitter as she used to. Perhaps she needs a break from people's judgments and opinions and just wants to focus on her own life and her relationships.
What are you think about Amber Portwood distancing herself from social media? Are you surprised that fans are not as supportive of her relationship with Andrew?