"The Haves and the Have Nots" aired on Tuesday night, August 1 with something viewers have never seen before. Veronica Harrington has been bullying people in every episode during all five seasons since Tyler Perry's popular nighttime soap opera started on May 28, 2013. Fans believe it was about time Perry let somebody stand up to Veronica and cut her down to size. Erica did what everybody couldn't or wouldn't do.
About Veronica
Veronica, played by Angela Robinson, is the estranged wife of David and mother of Jeffrey. She has controlled and manipulated them to the point of David filing for divorce and Jeffrey stabbing her in the chest with a kitchen knife.
Veronica is the person everyone loves to hate. She has been described as evil, cold, calculation, controlling and manipulative. As evil, as she is, there is one admirable thing about her that even her enemies like. She is good at being an attorney.
Sordid past
For fans who might have missed the earlier seasons, Veronica has a sordid past. She was once one of the "have nots" and worked her way up to become one of the "haves." She grew up in the projects. That's why she can relate to some of her tough enemies. Her mother was a prostitute, and her father played numbers and was a womanizer. She doesn't get along with any of her four siblings. She allegedly slept with Katheryn's father for scholarships during her college days.
She is a recovered pill addict who lost sons through an abortion and miscarriages when she was younger. She believes God punished her by letting her give birth to Jeffrey who is gay. Veronica appears to be powerful and successful, but she is in a world of debt with the bank where Katheryn is a board member who spilled the beans about her.
Feud with Erica
Veronica has met her match with Erica, played by Presilah Nunez, who guest starred in Season 3 when she sold her boyfriend's car to Benny after she broke up with him. She has had a regular role since Season 4 and has become David's love interest after she originally intended to set him up. Erica's relationship with David is a sore spot for Veronica even though the couple was having trouble long before Erica came on the scene.
In fact, Veronica set their house on fire with David in it, and he got out just in time.
Even though Veronica cheated on David with Benny, she doesn't want David to replace her with anyone. She went so far as having Maggie Day murdered when she suspected David was having an affair with her.
Veronica thought Erica was going to be like her other victims and accept it when she was called names, but Erica went toe-to-toe with her. The two women had a fight in the elevator, and it was much more than verbal. They literally fought with their fists and pulled each other's hair. David had a hard time getting between them and breaking up the fight.
Everyone got out of the elevator without anyone being hurt, but this is not the end of the feud. There is more to come because Veronica never gives up on trying to make other people miserable like she is.