“The Flash” could be getting another member to the team following reports that CW has finally found the right guy to portray the “Elongated Man.” Until now, rumors tied up to the stretchable superhero was up in the air until it was announced that Hartley Sawyer had been assigned the role.
Sawyer is no stranger to CW, having starred on “Saving the Human Race.” He should be an interesting addition though it seems he will join up with a dark past.
Another victim of the particle accelerator explosion
Just like Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) and Caitlyn Snow (Danielle Panabaker), the man also known as Ralph Dibny is also a victim of the particle accelerator explosion that happened back in season 1.
Curiously, Dibny’s name was among those who perished at that time. Hence, another question waiting to be answered is how he would be re-cast. Will the producers twist the script or will Ralph be another product of the celebrated Flashpoint iterations credited to Barry?
Like most of the stars on the show, Dibny will have a story to tell.
From the looks of it, he will end up fighting crime on his own before Flash or someone from the team bumps into him. With heroes often ending up the fighting crime with a purpose, the drive of Elongated Man will be due to the death of his wife.
Stretchable and transforming
With the casing of Elongated Man set, the next thing fans would want to know is when he would debut. That will likely happen after Barry officially returns to the real world from the Speed Force. It could take a couple of more episodes, hopefully, enough time to get Hartley acquainted with the group and the story flow.
With his impending coming, it somehow makes up for the human resources shortage Team Flash is currently experiencing.
Caitlyn Snow has turned in an (evil) new lease, Julian Albert (Tom Felton) is out, and there is still no one permanently replacing H.R. Wells (Tom Cavanagh). Cisco and the West family (Iris (Candice Patton, Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) and Joe (Jesse L. Martin)are still there, and the Earth-2 Harrison Wells is temporarily filling in.
With the ability to stretch and take the form of any object, Dibny’s addition should help out the Scarlett Speedster in the same way that both appeared in the comic books. For those who were able to follow their adventures, both shared a light-natured role which should make them a comedic duo. That is unless showrunners decide to come up with a different kind of Elongated Man persona.
The official casting of Sawyer adds one to the good guys. Among the new villains appearing in season 4 include The Thinker (Neil Sandilands), The Mechanic (Kim Engelbrecht) and Breacher (Danny Trejo). With new and likely challenging adversaries, Team Flash needs all the help it can get as they try to form a new mix to protect Central City.