"The Real Housewives of Dallas" aired on Monday night on Bravo after a much-anticipated second season. Fans of the show had been asking Bravo producers about this particular franchise for months, as the first season aired over a year ago. The ladies in Dallas had been filming this new show and they were surprised that the network wasn't announcing any plans of airing it.
However, the very first episode of the season proved to be quite entertaining, as much of the drama that had played out on social media over the past couple of months was front and center during this first episode.
Stephanie Hollman and Brandi Redmond were no longer friends and fans were curious as to what had gone wrong between them.
It sounds like Brandi had been quite offended by something Stephanie had written in her blog about her marriage. Hollman had revealed that she felt awkward and horrible watching Brandi's marriage troubles on the first season of "The Real Housewives of Dallas" and she called it a wreck waiting to happen. Redmond was shocked and saddened that her friend, who was supposed to be there for her, was saying such things about her marriage to the public. As Redmond points out, she knows things about Stephanie's marriage and she would never talk about it publicly. Brandi reveals that she felt completely heartbroken and hurt by her friend and they didn't speak for months.
Made the situation worse
Stephanie supposedly only made it worse when she felt offended by the fact that Brandi was ignoring her, revealing that she sat inside reading magazines during a party that Redmond was hosting on Father's Day. Even though the ladies were not getting along, the husbands were getting along and being friendly with one another, which just made the situation more awkward.
As Stephanie's husband Travis explains, he wished that they would work out the issue so they could all hang out together. The men did not want to be caught in the middle of everything.
According to a Bravo report, Stephanie Hollman is now saying that she doesn't regret saying what she did in her blog about Brandi. She doesn't justify why she doesn't have any regrets.
Since her comments cost her the friendship with Brandi, one can imagine she would have some regrets.
No regrets?
"I don’t regret what I said," Stephanie tweeted. "My heart broke for her that the party didn’t go as planned and that my husband had a part in that."
However, Hollman does regret ruining Brandi's party for her by choosing to sit inside. By doing this, she was ignoring everyone at the event. If these two want to make peace with one another, they will have to work on their communication going forward.
Are you surprised to learn that Brandi and Stephanie Hollman were no longer friends when "The Real Housewives of Dallas" started filming the second season? Do you think the ladies will be able to repair their friendship?