Last night the 3rd episode of the highly anticipated "Rick and Morty" season 3, "Pickle Rick," was released to the public. The inclusion of Pickle Rick in the official season 3 trailer got fans both excited and morbidly curious as to what the episode would actually be about. It was anyone's guess, but in true "Rick and Morty" fashion, it far exceeded everyone's expectations and became one of the darkest episodes they've done to date -- and all because Rick turned himself into a pickle. But if anyone could turn something mundane into the adventure of a lifetime, it's Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland.

The Plot

The episode starts with everyone getting ready to go to a family therapist. Rick, in order to avoid going, turns himself into a Pickle under the guise that he just wanted to do it for fun. Beth, seeing through this, takes the syringe he was going to use when they left, and Rick is now stuck in his pickle form.

There is something extremely amusing about watching our protagonist just lay there helplessly but still be able to make comments and voice his frustrations. This is one of my favorite parts of the episode. Watching a screaming pickle roll around and fall through the sewers is surreal yet amusing. But then things get gruesome.

"Rick and Morty" is no stranger to violence and gore.

But watching Rick bite a cockroach to death and use it's nasty little body as a mode of transportation was thoroughly sickening. It's the first time on the show (or in years really) that I've had to turn away from the screen. However, I'm incredibly biased on this gross-out moment due to my deep resentment for roaches. He then upgrades to a rat's body and partakes in what many consider the darkest, most gruesome fight on the show to date.

Rick truly wasn't lying when he said this would be the darkest year of their adventures.

What separates the rat fight from all the other murders on the show is the lack of weapons. With lazer guns, you are a few feet away and can easily take them down from a distance, thus giving a sense of disassociation. But here, it's up close and personal, and he uses his "hands" to tear rats apart limb from limb.

And using screws to stab through their brains adds to the gore. At this point in series, killings have become ordinary, so give the creators props that they knew how to step up the shock value.

This family has issues

Meanwhile, the Smiths are at therapy, and Beth is trying to control how the session goes. This is the first time we've really been able to examine Beth as a character, and she's about as messed up as Rick is. Her denial and co-dependency are unhealthy burdens on the family, and she doesn't care who she drags down with her.

Morty actually says he thought the doctor was good, but Beth and Rick shrug it off and refuse to acknowledge or accept the advice they were given. This is a huge flaw in her character, but if it were fixed, it would require cutting Rick out of her life.

I would've liked to see some character development out of her, as she's pretty much been the same throughout most of the show, but for the series to continue, it's unlikely it'll happen any time soon.

Rick, however, might end up being the one to make the effort to better his relationship with his daughter. During his killing spree at the government facility, he fights a prisoner named Jaguar. But upon realizing his motives, they team up and plot an escape together. He mentions that he and Beth don't really believe in expressing love, but he joins them at the therapy session regardless. And in the end credits scene, he acknowledges the connection he and Jaguar had made. I think this gives us a hint that Rick secretly does care, and is at the very least more willing to put in the effort.

Overall this is one of the craziest "Rick and Morty" episodes I've ever seen. It takes the mundane to a hilarious extreme and goes crazy with a simple idea. The idea of Rick as a vegetable that can kill you and has government workers shaking with fear is ridiculous in the best way possible. It's an episode that is not for the faint of heart, but has a generous amount of "messed up" and is perfect for any long-time "Rick and Morty" fan.