Jenelle Evans of "Teen Mom 2" is the latest in a long line of reality TV stars to release a tell-all book. The star has been hyping her new tell-all, Read Between the Lines, for the past several months, announcing that fans could order themselves a copy in April. Although the book is selling relatively well, and therefore making her (and her ghost writer, Tonia Brown), quite a bit of money, people aren't really relating to her narrative.

Jenelle promised a book that would tell her "side of the story," especially when discussing her issues with her mother, Barbara, and their issues over custody of her eldest son, Jace.

Almost 70 percent one-star reviews on

Jenelle Evans' book has thus far received almost all one-star reviews, with positive reviews peppered in between. Although she opens up about some serious subjects in her life, such as her father abandoning her, her addiction to heroin, miscarriages and abortion, fans feel that Jenelle hasn't been totally honest with them as she claimed she would be. Fans complain that the book is poorly written and that Jenelle's recollection of events isn't entirely accurate.

One fan gave a rather scathing review that many people seemed to agree with.

" [This book is] nothing but a poorly written work of fiction. Anyone who is even vaguely familiar with her story can see that this "book" is full of revisionist history and flat out lies. I can't believe anyone wasted time publishing this garbage. It should have been called "From the Delusional Mind of a Spoiled Adult-Child," they wrote.

People in her life disputing the events

Jenelle dragged a lot of people in her book, including her own mother and her ex-husband, Courtland Rogers. Although fans know that she was pregnant with two of Courtland's children, Jenelle never delivered either one of them. Her abortion was chronicled on "Teen Mom 2," but she also claims that Courtland beat her up so badly that she miscarried their other child.

Courtland says this is absolutely not the truth and is incredibly upset by the fact that Jenelle has made the claim, much less in print. According to him, he has never laid his hands on Jenelle, no matter if he was sober or not. However, the amount of drugs the pair have admitted to doing together makes his story slightly suspect as he may not actually remember everything that occurred between the pair during their relationship.

Jenelle claimed that people would finally get her side of things, but it seems that people aren't really excited about listening to it, and at best, think she is exaggerating.