The latest episode of “Game of Thrones” – “The Queen’s Justice” showed Queen Cersei’s long awaited revenge on Ellaria Sand for murdering her daughter Myrcella in Season 5. Cersei planned a torturous death for Ellaria and her daughter, Tyene, using the same poison Ellaria used before.
The episode also showed the death of a fan favorite, Lady Olenna Tyrell, The Queen of Thorns. Even in her last moments, she was feisty as ever – she admitted to Jaime that she was the one who killed Joffrey. With The Queen of Thorn’s death, the Lannisters took their gold to pay the Crown’s debt to the Iron Bank.
The Queen’s Justice also brought together long awaited meetings and reunions.
The Bastard and the Dwarf
Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister first met in the pilot episode of the show. They were both outside the feast hall, Jon wasn’t invited to join the Starks and Tyrion was reluctant to make nice with the Starks and his family.
It was then that Tyrion gave Jon an important advice, “Never forget what you are, wear it like an armor, it can never be used against you.” In the episode “Lord Snow” (S01E03), Jon has joined the Night’s Watch at the Wall and Tyrion departs for the capital.
Six seasons later, Jon and Tyrion have met again in “The Queen’s Justice.” Their reunion also showcased some comedic qualities in the episode.
Tyrion welcomed Jon as they arrived at Dragonstone, greeted each other as the Bastard of the Winterfell and the Dwarf of Casterly Rock.
They noted how much each other has changed since they last met. Jon has died and came back to life, fought White Walkers and is now King in the North. While Tyrion has married Sansa (and was quick to explain that the marriage was not consummated), killed his father, traveled across the sea and is now the Hand of the Queen to someone who wants to overthrow her sister.
The scene at the cliff at Dragonstone had to be one of the best moments.
This scene is so underrated! Tyrion Lannister gives me life. #GoTS7 #GameOfThrones
— Michelle (@MichelleMngrra) July 31, 2017
Ice and Fire
Melissandre was watching Jon from afar when he arrived at Dragonstone. She told Varys that she has brought ice and fire together.
Something that fans of the show, and the books, have been waiting for since forever.
However, when the two finally met, it wasn’t the most pleasant of meetings. Daenerys was expecting that Jon was going to bend the knee and declare allegiance to her claim for the Iron Throne but he didn’t. Jon, on the other hand, asked for her help to fight the Army of the Undead - something that she doesn’t believe exists.
"You now stand before Daenarys Stormborn of House Targaryan... the mother of dragons etc etc..."
— Nathalie Emmanuel (@missnemmanuel) July 31, 2017
-"This is Jon Snow"
According to Kit Harrington (Jon Snow) and Emilia Clarke’s (Daenerys Targaryen) interview with Entertainment Weekly, they already predicted that Jon and Dany were going to meet this season.
Clarke also added that Dany doesn’t like Jon and she doesn’t believe him.
Mini Stark reunion
While Jon traveled to Dragonstone, Sansa was in charge of Winterfell. She was doing a great job at it, checking everything in preparation for the coming winter. She is only interrupted when Bran Stark, accompanied by Meera Reed, has arrived finally arrived at Winterfell and it was a very awkward reunion.
The siblings retreated to the Godswood, Bran noted that he needed to speak with Jon. Sansa pointed out that Bran is now the rightful Lord of Winterfell, but he refused and stated that he is now the Three-eyed Raven. When Sansa asked for an explanation, Bran demonstrated his power by recalling her wedding night with Ramsay Bolton (awkward).
Isaac Hempstead-Wright (Bran Stark) explained in his interview with Entertainment Weekly, that his character’s personality changed drastically. Bran became the Three-eyed Raven prematurely due to the attack of the White Walkers. He has space and time in his head and became broken in more ways than one, as noted by the creators of the show.
Another Stark is coming home based on the teaser trailer of episode 4 – “The Spoils of War.” The fourth episode of Season 7 of “Game of Thrones” will be on HBO on August 6.