"Days Of Our Lives" fans know that Hattie Adams and Bonnie Lockhart are a little rough around the edges when they are just being themselves. Eric knows Marlena and Adrienne are always poised. When he tries to visit his mother, he is in for a surprise. Will the encounter make him suspicious?

The following will contain "Days of Our Lives" spoilers. If you don't want to know what may be coming on NBC's long-running soap opera, stop reading now.

A return to Salem

"Daytime Royalty Online" reports that next week viewers will see Hattie succeed in having Adrienne locked away in prison, and returns to Salem to take her place.

As viewers saw, Anjelica had drugged her. When she awoke she didn't know where she was. Spoilers say Adrienne will spend her time unsuccessfully trying to convince the prison staff who she really is.

The real "Days of Our Lives" Marlena remains hospitalized by Hattie. While impersonating Dr. Evans, Hattie committed her to an asylum as a patient that was obsessed with her along with other issues. Spoilers don't reveal if Marlena is able to convince the nurses and doctors of who she really is, but she will manage to get a call to John. Spoilers say that major drama will ensue when Hattie, posing as Marlena, tries to cozy up to Roman Brady. John will get wind of this and end up punching Roman.

Hattie and Bonnie loose in Salem

With Marlena and Adrienne safely out of the way, Hattie and Bonnie decide to let their hair down and celebrate a little. As they are popping the cork on the champagne and shooting it in the air, they are making lots of noise with whoops and laughter. Eric walks in on the party and knows this isn't typical behavior for his mother.

But will it be off enough that he begins to wonder if something is going on?

Are you ready for Chloe to return to Salem? She will return to "Days of Our Lives" this week. Just in time to be there for Lucas. Brady requires some attention as well and she calls him out on his drinking.

Later in the week, Bonnie finds herself drawn to Lucas.

She broke his heart as Adrienne, but she just may be falling for him.

Other spoilers for next week tell us "Days of Our Lives" viewers will see Kayla try to talk her son out of making a confession for the murder of Ava. The guilt is overwhelming and more than Joey can take anymore, however. Kayla's stepson, Tripp, wants to apologize to her for all the things he has done.

Rafe and Hope make an arrest mid-week that is a shocker. Sonny will recall a memory that just may help them get a step closer to the truth of who killed Deimos.

Do you think Eric will become suspicious of his mother after the party? What do you think of the Hattie/Marlena and Bonnie/Adrienne storyline? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.