Chelsea DeBoer is always putting out the image that she’s happy and in love with her husband Cole, that her daughter Aubree is behaving, and that her new son Watson Cole is a true joy. On her social media pages, Chelsea is often sharing pictures to show just how happy they are as a family and Watson is always shown happy and excited. However, behind the scenes, things are not always so exciting.
Apparently, Chelsea had some issues with Watson in the beginning, as he had no interest in sleeping in his own bassinet.
According to a new tweet, Chelsea DeBoer is now discussing her struggles with her son on social media and her fans are all chiming in with similar stories about their struggles. Apparently, she’s far from the single one to have these issues. Many of her fans explain that they had to sleep in separate rooms from their husbands, simply because their baby would not sleep on their own.
Watson Cole struggled with sleep issues?
On “Teen Mom 2,” Chelsea opened up about these sleep issues and she continued the talk on social media with some of her fans.
She revealed that it had been rough on the entire family, as Aubree couldn’t sleep either. Chelsea explains she was sleeping on the couch for a while as this was the only way Watson could sleep.
“I have a 6-month-old and also didn't sleep with my hubby for a little over a month cause my oldest was scared of everything,” one person wrote to Chelsea, who later chimed in with, “It was rough! I was sleeping on the couch holding baby cause that's the only way he'd sleep and Aubree wasn't sleeping either!”
Keeping things private
On “Teen Mom 2,” Chelsea DeBoer seems to have no troubles keeping things open and sharable. She will gladly open up about her struggles and her husband Cole also discusses things as well.
Just last week on “Teen Mom 2,” fans saw how Cole taunted Aubree to the point where she was in tears. This was something Chelsea probably didn’t want on the show, but something that may happen sometimes.
Instead of sharing it on social media, fans get to see what daily life is like on “Teen Mom 2,” while her social media pages may just share the happy moments. It also sounds like she wants to keep all discussions about Adam Lind away from social media and keep them just for "Teen Mom 2."
What do you think of Chelsea DeBoer’s tweet about Watson’s sleep issues? Are you surprised that she struggled with this behind closed doors and didn’t open up about it on social media?