Venus Williams has broken her silence over the fatal Car Crash which killed a passenger named Jerome Barson and left his wife, Linda Barson, injured. The tennis player has clearly denied the allegations that she was at fault during the Accident. She added that the injuries attained by the Barsons were due to their negligence for not using seat belts while driving.

A report on Entertainment Tonight on 26 July, mentioned that the 37-year old superstar has obtained documents from the court and it clearly revealed that Williams was not at fault for the accident.

The documents further claimed that the death and injuries suffered by the couple was their fault and not because of Williams.

Required conditions

As the investigation continued, it was further reported that Linda Barson, who suffered injuries is not entitled to claim damages from from Williams. Additionally, it was also clearly established that under the law of Florida that the injured person had to meet required conditions in order to be justified in seeking such claims. To recall, the fatal car accident happened on June 9 in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

According to documents cited by ET News, Linda, who was driving the vehicle, did not suffer "a permanent injury, scarring, disfigurement, or other sufficient injury" to meet the required conditions to be awarded money in damages, under Florida Law.


The 78-year old male passenger was reported to have suffered from a head trauma. Follwing his admission to hospital he later died from his injures. Meanwhile, a lawsuit against Williams was filed by the estate of Barson.

Entering intersection on green light

In an official statement released by William's attorney, Malcolm Cunningham, he explained that the tennis player had entered the intersection while the green light was on.

Law enforcers had estimated that Williams was travelling at about five miles per hour when Barson crashed into her car. Police officers did not issue any traffic violations to Williams as it was believed that she had not broken the law.

Following this unfortunate accident, Williams has expressed her deepest condolences to the family of the deceased.

However, she insisted that what happened was merely an accident and that she was not at fault over the car crash. She also took to Facebook and has expressed her sympathy to the Barson's family in public. She broke down in tears over what happened and felt devastated and heartbroken after a reporter asked her questions about the incident.