The most awaited sequel of Tom Cruise's film "Top Gun 2" has finally landed an official Release Date which will be on July 19, 2019. It has also been revealed that the second sequel will be directed by Joseph Kosinski. It was exactly thirty years ago since the first sequel aired on screen. Finally, Paramount Studios is ready to release this big hit again after seven long years of speculations.
World of drone technology
"Top Gun 2" or "Top Gun: Maverick" is finally in works. Paramount made an official announcement that the film will be under the direction of Kosinski, who also helm the sci-fi film which starred Cruise, the "Oblivion." Meanwhile, it was also learned that Cruise is back for the second sequel as he will reprise his role as Maverick.
Further, it is also believed that "Top Gun 2" will be more focused on the world of drone technology and the fifth generation of fighters. It is also expected that the upcoming movie will explore more on the end of a certain era of dogfighting.
Cruise, who will play as Maverick, is expected to play as a naval pilot on the movie.
Apart from that, he will be seen portraying the role of a flight instructor on the film. In one of his interviews, Cruise also revealed that aviators will be back on screen and they are definitely going to have fast and big machines.
Release date
A report from Variety shared that Paramount has made the official release date announcement on Friday and it was exactly three months since Chief Jim Gianopulos, the 20th Century Fox Film chief, was brought in with Paramount Studios CEO in order to crank up the delay of film operations.
After several months of waiting, it has been made official that "Top Gun 2" will open in theaters a week after Sony's "Spiderman: Homecoming" will also hit the big screen.
Meanwhile, this movie sequel is also another chance for Cruise to prove the world that he can still be in both bad and great movies at the same time.
As the second sequel kicks the screen two years from now, most of the fans hope that "Top Gun 2" will be a quality film that is worth the wait. Cruise, being a veteran actor for years, is also expected to display his skills again being an action star.
To recall, the first movie was a massive hit which made them earned around $350 million worldwide. Hence, Cruise and Kosinski will be working hand in hand in order to double their records and make "Top Gun 2" a worldwide success once more. Stay tuned as the production will soon reveal more details of the upcoming sequel.