Tonight, The Men from Rachel Lindsay’s season of The Bachelorette returned for the special “Men Tell All” special. They talked about their time on the show, the drama and of course, Rachel. They also got to face the lady herself.

Blast from the past

Before we get to the reunion though, we get a montage of the most memorable moments from past reunion shows. Some of the highlights include Emily Maynard confronting Kalon, Kasey singing to Ali, the bromance that took over Kaitlyn’s season and of course, CHAD.

We also got to see some other interesting moments. One that was quite sad was when Chris Harrison read Kaitlyn some of the hate mail that was sent to her during her season. It wasn’t fair then and it isn’t fair now to treat her in such a horrific way. I am not sure why that was necessary.

On a happier note, we got to relive the gender reveal announcement from JP and Ashley’s first pregnancy.

The men return

Almost all the men from this season return, except for the final three and those who were eliminated in the first episode. They are all greeted with cheers and applause, but of course, that doesn’t mean there isn’t any drama.

There are lots of issues that need to be addressed, especially with the two main sets of rivals on the show.

Whaboom vs. Blake

One of the earliest conflicts on the show as between Whaboom and Blake. They had known each other in the past and already had a beef with one another and it escalated onto the show. We got to relive some of the moments from their fight and it is apparently still going on. Nothing was resolved and the guys seem to be torn between which side they are on.

Kenny vs. Lee

The biggest drama, however, was between Lee and Kenny. These two spent a better part of the season fighting and it came to a head on their two on one date. Both guys end up in the hot seat to tell their side of the story.

Lee was also confronted about his questionable tweets that included remarks about women and the KKK. The guys (and Rachel, who confronted him about this later on) were not happy about his opinions, nor was Chris Harrison. Out of respect for the readers, I will not repeat what was said, but Lee finally apologized and denounced the ‘old Lee.’

He and Kenny ended up hugging it out, but chances are they won’t be on each other’s Christmas card list.

Kenny’s surprise

Kenny’s time with Lee was not the only thing he got to talk about while in the hot seat. He also got a surprise visit from his daughter, who is the number one person in his life. He says that leaving her was one of the hardest things he had to do, and she says the feeling is mutual.

In order to make up for it, Chris Harrison sends them both to Disneyland as a special surprise and birthday gift for Kenny.

Dean’s future

Dean was the last guy to be eliminated thus far and was left heartbroken. He says that he was not expecting to end up heartbroken, but is glad to get a second chance at love on “Bachelor in Paradise.”

As for the infamous hometown date, he says that although it didn’t go as planned, he was happy to have had the chance to confront his father with some of the issues they faced in the past.

Rachel returns

Rachel faced all the guys she eliminated for the first time and talks about how each guy was special to her, but in a different way than the one she chose. She also tells Lee she will give him a lesson on black history and women’s rights because she is not happy with those infamous tweets.

Fred, the young man from her past, told her that he was happy for the chance to see her again, even though it didn’t work out the way he was hoping. He says he didn’t come on the show because she was the Bachelorette, but because she is Rachel and he wanted to get to know her more as an adult.

Tune in next week to see the finale and who ends up becoming Rachel’s fiance!