"Stranger Things" is a popular original Netflix series which was created by the Duffer brothers. The series is set in Hawkins in the 1980's. "Stranger Things" gained great reviews for its first season and also gained a cult following. Fans are eagerly awaiting the second season of the series. Recently at the San Diego Comic Con the trailer for the second season of the show was screened.

It gave fans a glimpse of what is to come while teasing some potential story lines in the second season of the show.

Fans will learn more about how Will was affected

The entirety of season 1 of "Stranger Things" was devoted to finding the missing character of Will. He goes missing in the very first episode of the season as he is chased by a mysterious creature from the Upside Down. He then spends the majority of the series hiding from the horrors in the alternate plane of existence where the horrors are something taken out of a nightmare. Will is saved by his friends and family from the Upside Down but the end of season 1 teases that there are some effects being there has had on him.

This is addressed in the trailer of season 2. According to Engadget, in season 2 Will, will struggle with the effects that being in the Upside Down had on him. As seen in the trailer he will experience visions of the Upside Down which understandably terrify him. While initially, he tries to hide these effects from his friends and family it soon becomes apparent that there is something very wrong with him.

Eleven to return to Hawkins

The trailer also reveals that the show's female protagonist, called Eleven after the number on her arm, will try to return from the Upside Down. Meanwhile, Mike is dealing with the loss of his close friend and crush. The pair made a unique team in the first season and their relationship drew fans further into the world of "Stranger Things." As seen in the trailer Eleven is stuck in the Upside Down and is seen running from some of the dangers in that world.

According to High Snobiety, Eleven is due to make her highly anticipated return through a doorway that has opened up between Hawkins and the Upside Down. These entrances from the Upside Down appear to be spreading and this is another focus of the show. Sheriff Hopper will be investigating these instances of the Upside Down. As seen in the finale of season one the Sheriff visited the woods where one of these entrances appeared previously. He left some food for Eleven proving that he believes the powerful girl is still alive.

"Stranger Things" will be returning in time for Halloween. The official release date of season 2 is October 27. The series will only be available on Netflix.