Today Blasting News got the chance to talk to Stephanie Hollman of "The Real Housewives of Dallas" in an exclusive interview. Stephanie recently did something amazing as she donated Bone Marrow to a stranger. It was great to get to talk to her about her experience.

How did Stephanie end up being matched?

Stephanie Hollman actually went to a cancer walk along with her son and also her friend.

This was a fun time, and they had a place where you could get a swab and sign up to be on the bone marrow registry. Stephanie went for it, but then didn't think much about it after that until she got a call that she was a match.

Right before Easter of 2017, Stephanie Hollman got the call, and she was the only match on the entire registry for a woman who needed a transplant. She went for it and did the bone marrow transplant for the woman.

Stephanie reveals how it works

Stephanie Hollman shared that she was able to give the woman her plasma and bone marrow. She loved the way that this worked out and she would do it again if ever given a chance.

She was a bit sore from the process, but she also was able to still do things with her children and function during this time.

Right now, Stephanie Hollman is unable to meet the woman that she helped. She gets a monthly update from the from the agency that she did the bone marrow transplant through. When it all happened, Stephanie was able to send a letter to the woman. After one year has passed, they will be able to make a decision and meet up if that is something that they decide they want to do.

Stephanie Hollman is very active in her community, and honestly, it isn't shocking at all that she would donate bone marrow to a strange. Stephanie is also very involved in Big Brother/Big Sister. She has been doing this for nine years and shared that her little is actually about to be the first person in her family to head to college.

It was obvious talking to Stephanie that she was very proud of this young lady.

Have you ever thought of donating bone marrow to a stranger? Stephanie was able to change someone's life with this big decision and you could too. Don't miss new episodes of "The Real Housewives of Dallas" when it returns to Bravo. Stephanie will be on Season 2 of "RHOD" and shared that she doesn't know anything about Season 3 at this time, but would have to see how Season 2 goes before making any kind of decision. She said she would never sign on to something without seeing how it all played out first.