ArrowSeason 6 lead star Stephen Amell recently attended the Heroes and Villains Fan Fest in Nashville, where he dropped a few bombs for the upcoming season. Their panel was moderated by Comic Book and whether he is messing around or not, no one knows.

According to Cinema Blend, the 36-year-old may have revealed that a major team Arrow member will die in season 6. During the event, Amell, who is with the panel, joined the game called “Two Truths and Lie” and hinted scenarios that are set to happen in the season 6.

Slade Wilson to return in Arrow season 6

When asked about where the sixth season will pick up, Amell said, “Oliver and Slade (Manu Bennett) has a scene in the present day. Diggle (David Ramsey) fires and misses someone, as in he deploys his gun and it doesn't work.” Meanwhile, Thea Queen (Willa Holland), will also be featured in the present day, having a scenario with his older brother.

As for the mystery, the earlier mentioned source pointed out that Diggle’s misfire is quite an ordinary circumstance. Slade Wilson, on the other hand, has a confirmed return. The only one’s left is Thea Queen, who is mysteriously tagging along with Oliver after the explosions in Lian Yu.

Is she alive, or dead?

Thea Queen’s possible death

It can be recalled that Thea was last seen heading to the plane after she was saved by Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) from a land mine. The Lian Yu Island exploded without knowing if Thea was able to reach the plane they were supposed to use for escape. Sadly, Merlyn’s sacrifice will all be for nothing if Thea is indeed dead.

Moreover, the series would probably kill some characters that fans loved. While this can happen to anyone, there is a chance that Thea will also be away to mourn the death of her father even if she survived the explosion. Willa Holland has not been as active as before in the earlier seasons. She played the role of Red Arrow and experienced situations that are beyond imagination.

Thea died once but came to life again through the Lazarus Pit.

However, she has other commitments going on as well and Arrow fans will soon find out what her future will be in season 6. In season 5, her contract was 14 out 23 episodes, as it only depends on her availability. Meanwhile, our previous report says a possible crossover between “Arrow” and “Supergirl” might happen in the future. Stay tuned on Blasting News for more “Arrow” Season 6 updates. Share your thoughts in the comment section below!