“The Gifted” had its fourth airing last Monday and viewers of the FOX TV series continued to wonder about the show’s possible connection to X-Men. As it is set in the X-Men universe, the show is expected to consider cameos of some significant characters from the original film.
The series follows the story of everyday mutants than what are considered heroes. "The Gifted” mainly centers around the life of a suburban family on the run because of their two mutant kids. At the moment, there are only two prominent mutants featured in the series: Blink (Jamie Chung) and Lorna aka Polaris (Emma Dumont).
One ultimate question for the freshman show is that: Will Wolverine, the most popular mutant of all, make an appearance in the series?
X-Men connections
Wolverine did not make an appearance during the fourth episode, nor he was mentioned. According to Inverse, this is completely alright because episode 4 focused on getting the Strucker family back together. After all, they are the main characters of the series.
But with Reed Strucker (Stephen Moyer) and Polaris being rescued from the Sentinel Services, “The Gifted” would no doubt need a long-term plan for the upcoming episode. Whether the series features Wolverine or not, it would make sense to factor in X-Men if they’re still around. This would be a huge surprise for the viewers since the current mutants considered the brotherhood “dissolved” at the present time.
Anna Paquin to join ‘The Gifted’?
Screen Rant reported that fans should not expect much from the possible cameo of Anna Paquin. The 35-year-old actress played the role of X-Men character named Rogue. So little did people know, she is married to the FOX series’ main star Stephen Moyer in real life. Therefore, the X-Men actress revealed that to make an appearance in the series would be “distracting.”
In an interview, Paquin turned down the idea of joining her husband in the series, who was her co-star in the hit show “True Blood.” Paquin said, “I feel like that would be distracting, honestly.” Paquin believes that whether she appears as Rogue or not, things would seem intentional given she is Moyer’s wife.
On the other hand, Moyer did not completely rule out his wife’s potential cameo.
As mentioned earlier, the show was set where all X-Men have disappeared, and mutants were left behind to fight for themselves. They were hunted by an organization called Sentinel Services. In the end, there were timeline issues as well that need fixing if people behind the show choose to bring X-Men in “The Gifted.”