"Shadowhunters" is a popular MTV series which began in 2016. The show is based loosely on the series by Cassandra Clare and has gained a cult following. Over the past few months, there have been speculations as to what character "Modern Family" star Sarah Hyland will be portraying on the hit series. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the confirmation that she will be starring as the Seelie Queen.

The wait is finally over and the announcement has been made. Much to fans delight, Hyland will, in fact, be playing the Seelie Queen, queen of the fairies.

The Seelie Queen has changed

The last time that fans saw the Seelie Queen on "Shadowhunters" was when characters Jace, Clary and Simon went to visit her court. The Queen was presented as just a child but it was explained to the audience that she can take on whatever form she desires. Come August 7 and 14, the Seelie Queen will feature once more in the series. However, she has changed her appearance from a child to a young adult, namely actor Sarah Hyland.

According to TV Line, Sarah Hyland has been confirmed as the next form of the Queen. In the next episode, she appears in she will don red brown hair and will speak with a fancier more fairy friendly accent. It has been revealed that the Queen will visit Simon, who she earlier tried to strike an alliance with. Simon will express his concerns about the impending war between the Down World and the Shadow World. Hyland will dismiss his concerns as a war is exactly what the Seelie Queen wants.

The cast rave about Hylands role

The current cast of "Shadowhunters" have been raving about Hyland's role as the Seelie Queen. According to Hollywood Life, her boyfriend Dominic Sherwood, who stars as Jace Wayland, has expressed how proud he is of Hyland.

He stated that she is an incredibly talented actress and that the entire cast and crew of the show fell in love with her character.

Katherine McNamara has stated that everything about the Seelie Queen is perfect. She stated that the second Hyland walks on set she completely enraptures the cast and crew of "Shadowhunters." The cast shared their excitement at the character of the Seelie Queen and have stated that she is exactly as she is described. Hyland has apologized to her fans for tricking them about her role on "Shadowhunters." She recently announced on her social media that she would, in fact, be playing the role of the Seelie Queen. Hyland stated that she was extremely excited for the role. Fans will have to wait until August 7 before they can see Hyland as the magical queen.