Robert Downey Jr. is known for playing the role of Tony Stark in the movie sequel of "Spider-man: Homecoming." Just recently, the actor talks about his plans of leaving his character role before things start to get embarrassing. He also talks about hanging his "Iron Man" suit sooner after having portrayed the character for the past nine years.
A report from Coming Soon has confirmed that several characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe have plans to perish during their fight against Thanos in the upcoming "The Avengers" flicks. However, MCU is also looking for possibilities that Downey's Tony Stark could still find his way back to the sequel.
The 'Iron Man' armor
To recall, Downey Jr. has been part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2008 when he debuted his role as Tony Stark in "Iron Man." He was also able to reprise his roles for the past two sequels as well as for "The Avengers" franchise. Right now, the 52-year old actor is still not sure on until when he is still able to wear the famous "Iron Man" suit.
He further admitted that he is not sure until when he's going to portray the role. However, the actor already talks about his plans to stop working for the movie sequel. Meanwhile, Downey is currently promoting his latest film, the "Spider-man: Homecoming." Further, it was also believed that he only took three days to complete filming for his upcoming role in the said movie.
No indication of retirement
In one of his latest interviews, Downey revealed that he cannot yet give the exact time as to when he is going to retire from his role. However, he also shared that it was something that has been on his mind for quite some time. Despite the continued success of Marvel Cinematic Universe films, the actor seems like he wanted to start something new.
A report from WJLA also shared his statement that says, "I have done by dropping the ball because I decided to go do it one more time. I just want to hang up my jersey before it's embarrassing." Further, he also added that when he did "The Avengers" back in 2012, he felt that the movie will never go any better than what they had.
The actor also opened up about his short role in "Spider-man: Homecoming." He shared that he didn't feel that he has to fit into somewhere in the movie considering that he only has a short part of the scenes. He also felt that he was only drawn to star in the upcoming movie reboot after learning that his role as "Iron Man" wouldn't be intended for the show.