"Pilgrimage" is directed by Brendan Muldowney who is an Irish-born film director. He is best known for his work on films such as "Savage" and "Love Eternal." His latest movie is to focus on a dangerous pilgrimage in Ireland. Three individuals set out together to deliver a sacred relic to Rome. "Pilgrimage" is an action adventure movie. Casting includes Tom Holland, Richard Armitage, and Jon Bernthal.
Tom Holland to play Brother Diarmuid
Tom Holland has been rising to fame in the film industry as of late. He is Marvel's new Spider-Man, and made his debut in the movie titled "Spider-Men: Homecoming." The star is now to take on the role of a young novice, Brother Diarmuid. Brother Diarmuid is the youngest of the group on this pilgrimage, and Holland's talent truly shines through in this role.
His co-stars spoke highly of Holland and how he is handling the life of an actor at such a young age. Bernthal stated that Holland is very mature and has a solid work ethic. He compared the young actor to how he would have acted at his age and said that Tom is truly dedicated to his craft.
One can hear his Irish accent from the trailer, and it is almost like he was born in Ireland himself. Brother Diarmuid is mentored by a character played by Richard Armitage. Also joining the cast will be former "The Walking Dead" member Jon Bernthal.
'Pilgrimage' set to be full of action
The premise of "Pilgrimage" is quite simple. A novice, his master, and a bodyguard set out on a pilgrimage in Ireland in the 13th century. The group are all monks and have been ordered to deliver the most sacred relic the monks in Ireland have to Rome. However, there are many different layers to the movie that one would not typically associate with an Irish pilgrimage.
As seen in the trailer, Jon Bernthal's character is a violent, sword-wielding mute.
The monks are attacked by enemies and thieves, and they must put their lives on the line to protect the relic. "Pilgrimage" is full of suspense and action. The movie contains some violent scenes and is certainly no lighthearted watch. The film is about the journey of these monks and the conflicts they meet along the way.
"Pilgrimage" is set to be released in the US on the 11th of August. The film is first being screened in Ireland and will be premiered at Galway Film Fleadh. It is certainly an interesting take on the history of Ireland and actors Tom Holland and Jon Bernthal bring a strong chemistry to their roles.